Thursday 19 December 2019

Part 13 - What Was Russell O'Brien Doing While Away From The Table?

Was Russell O’Brien’s false alibi created because he was absent from the Tapas bar due to his daughter crying, vomiting, or because he was using the washing machine?

We know from the groups first statements that Russell O’Brien leaving with Matthew Oldfield was a lie.  We do not know what time left the restaurant, but we know he came back for 9:50pm as confirmed by the waiter and chef. This means that Russell O’Brien was definitely away from the table that evening, and it wasn’t with Matthew Oldfield. 

We will now look through the groups statements to see what they say for the reason Russell O’Brien was away from the table.  Even though we know this was a lie, that he left the table, we still need to look at the reasons for his absence, to see what the group was told to say. This wont just prove the lie more, it will also possibly show us what he actually WAS doing at the time he was away from the restaurant. 

We only have to look at 3 of the group members first statements as no-one else in the group discusses or even mentioned Russell O’Brien leaving at point during the meal.  

The only members who discussed Russell O’Brien in their first statements in order was Jane Tanner, Rachael Oldfield and Russell O’Brien, so this will be the order we started with. 

Jane Tanner stated the following;

Jane Tanner stated that Russell O’Brien stayed in the apartment due to their daughter CRYING. 

Rachael Oldfield was the next one who spoke about Russell O’Brien leaving at 9:30pm

Rachael Oldfield stated in her first interview that her husband said that Russell O’Brien daughter was CRYING, and that he had stayed in the room. 

The final member of the group that gave their statement the same day and was the only other member of the group to talk about Russell O’Brien leaving the restaurant, was Russell O’Brien;

Russell O’Brien stated that he stayed in the apartment as his daughter has been CRYING. 

Russell O’Brien also stated that he supposes Matthew Oldfield checked his own apartment and then the McCann’s, then back to restaurant. He does not state that Matthew Oldfield went to Russell O’Brien’s apartment in his first statement. 

Russell O’Brien stated it was between 9:35-9:40pm when himself and Matthew Oldfield left the restaurant. 

Therefore, what we can see from the groups first statements is that all 3 members who said that Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield all said that Russell O’Brien stayed in the apartment due to his daughter CRYING. 

Due to the groups first interviews being brief, the above members of the group were not expected to go in to a lot of detail. 

Therefore we looked at the groups second statements given a week after their first interviews. 

As we knew from our research regarding the alibi, we knew that the timelines had been discussed more between the Tapas 7 than with Gerry McCann and Kate McCann as this was stated by Matthew Oldfield in his rogatory interview. 

Gerry McCann was the first member of the group to give their second statement on the 10th May 2007 at 3:20pm

Gerry McCann stated that he isn’t sure if some else had been absent, but does not anything about Russell O’Brien leaving or returning, for some reason Gerry McCann has not followed the same line as Jane Tanner, Rachael Oldfield and Russell O’Brien in their first statements. 

Gerry McCann also states that he thinks that on the Thursday night NO CHILDREN WERE ILL, as he remembers that this happened on Tuesday night with Russell O’Brien’s child and Fiona Payne’s child. 

Why hasn’t Gerry McCann followed the lie for Russell O’Brien’s alibi?  

Was it because he had his alibi regardless of Russell O’Brien’s lie, because Gerry McCann had been speaking to Jeremy Wilkins when Jane Tanner supposedly saw the abductor and Jeremy Wilkins was the only alibi Gerry McCann needed, he didn’t need to be involved in Russell O’Briens lie at all, and he chose not to be. 

This confirms Russell O’Brien lied once again, as Gerry McCann still hasn’t stated anything about Russell O’Brien or Jane Tanner leaving or returning between Matthew Oldfield leaving and Kate McCann’s check. 

Matthew Oldfield was the next member of the group to give his statement. He gave his on the 10th May 2007 at 4:00pm. 

We knew that Matthew Oldfield didn’t state anything about Russell O’Brien leaving with him at 9:30pm in his first statement or anything about Russell O’Brien staying in the apartment or Jane Tanner switching places with him. 

We also knew that Russell O’Brien leaving at 9:30pm was a lie, therefore we looked at Matthew Oldfield’s second statement;

Matthew Oldfield states that Russell O’Brien stayed at the apartment due to his daughter CRYING. He then clarifies at the end of this paragraph that Russell O’Brien’s daughter was ILL WITH VOMITING. 

We knew that Russell O’Brien leaving at 9:30pm was a lie, but why has the reason he stayed with his daughter now changed from CRYING to ILL WITH VOMITING?

While Matthew Oldfield was giving his statement, Gerry McCann was also giving his statement. 

Gerry McCann stated that NO CHILDREN WERE ILL on the Thursday night, whereas Matthew Oldfield has now stated in his second interview a week after the event, that Russell O’Brien’s daughter was ILL WITH VOMITING, which he said at the end if his paragraph after saying Russell O’Brien stayed because his daughter CRYING. 

The next member of the group to give their second statement was Jane Tanner. She provided hers on the 10th May 2007 at 4:35pm. This was while Matthew Oldfield was giving his and over an hour since Gerry McCann had started to give his. 

Jane Tanner supposedly left the restaurant to switch places with Russell O’Brien at the apartment. 

Jane Tanner stated the reason why Russell O’Brien stayed at the apartment was because her daughter was RESTLESS AND CRYING. Jane Tanner has not stated anything about her daughter being ILL OR VOMITING. 

Jane Tanner also stated it was her daughter “Ev” who was RESTLESS AND CRYING, whereas the timeline Russell O’Brien wrote said Ella. 

On the 10th May 2007, it was only Gerry McCann, Matthew Oldfield and Jane Tanner who gave their second statements.

On the 11th May 2007, Russell O’Brien gave his second statement at 11:20am. 

Russell O’Brien first stated that he stayed in the apartment due to his daughter CRYING. He then adds that after the CRYING, his daughter had VOMITED. 

As we have shown in previous posts, Russell O’Brien leaving at 9:30pm was a lie. As you can also see, the reason why he stayed in regards to his daughter has no evolved for his daughter originally CRYING to ILL WITH VOMITING. 

Russell O’Brien now states that Matthew Oldfield offered to help Russell O’Brien whereas in his first statement he said that Matthew Oldfield went to his own apartment and then the McCann’s, he did not state anything about Matthew Oldfield offering help or going to Russell O’Brien’s apartment. 

While Russell O’Brien was giving his statement from 11:20am, Rachael Oldfield began hers at 11:30pm. 

Rachael Oldfield stated that the reason Russell O’Brien stayed due to his daughter being sick. 

Rachael Oldfield stated that it was his daughter EVIE who was sick, whereas on the timeline, Russell O’Brien had written ELLA.

The final member of the group to give their second statement was Dianne Webster. 

Dianne Webster stated in her first statement the day after Madeleine had disappeared that she could not remember who left an when during the meal, and that she could only really remember Gerry McCann and Kate McCann checking regularly. 

Dianne Webster gave her second interview on the 11th May 2007 at  11:30am. 

We knew that Dianne Webster lied (see Dianne Websters lie) in her second interview as originally she couldn’t remember who had left and when apart from Gerry and Kate McCann, whereas now, in her second she remembers specifically that Russell O’Brien left the restaurant and stayed in the apartment as his daughter was SICK AND HAD VOMITED. 

David Payne and Fiona Payne do not have second statements in the files. (See the missing second statements) Therefore we are unable to comment regarding what they may have said. 

So, from the groups first statements to the end of the groups second statements, Russell O’Briens daughter started off CRYING and it eventually evolved in to ILL WITH VOMITING. 

we also have a difference in the names if the child that was ill compared to what was written on the timeline in the activity book. 

The next statements we looked at were Kate McCann and Gerry McCann’s arguido statements as these were given in September 2007.  

Kate McCann was the first to give her Arguido statement. 

Kate McCann was now being interviewed as a suspect and therefore would be expected to remember everything to the best of her knowledge. 

In her interview she drew the table plan of the members of the group, but she struggled to place Russell O’Brien and Jane Tanner. 

This is what Kate McCann said regarding Russell O’Brien leaving the table at 9:30pm in her Arguido statement given on the 6th September 2007 at 3:00pm;

Kate McCann stated nothing at all once again about Russell O’Brien leaving the table with Matthew Oldfield who was going to check at Kate McCann’s apartment. 

Kate McCann does not state that Jane Tanner had to switch places with Russell O’Brien in the apartment due to CRYING or ILL WITH VOMITING. 

So, four months after her daughter disappeared, Kate McCann still hasn’t said anything about Russell O’Brien leaving at 9:30pm. She also cannot place where Russell O’Brien or Jane Tanner sat at the table. 

We do know that Matthew stated that the timelines were discussed more between the group members without Gerry and Kate McCann present. 

Is this the reason why Kate McCann hasn’t added the lie in to her Arguido statement, as she is not aware that this lie has been added by the other members of the group, and because it was a lie, she had no reason to think about it in her statements because she didnt know this lie was being told. 

The following day, the 7th September 2007, Kate McCann was interviewed a second time at 11:00am, but in this interview she chose to respond to all the questions apart from one with “no comment”. Therefore there is no information we can take from this statement. 

Gerry McCann then gave his first Arguido statement on the 11th May 2007 at 4:05pm. Gerry McCann states the following regarding Russell O’Brien;

Gerry McCann’s statement was very similar to what Kate McCann had said in hers. 

Gerry McCann does not state anything at all about Russell O’Brien leaving at 9:30pm, or anything about his CRYING or ILL WITH VOMITING daughter, or the fact that Jane Tanner switched places with him, even though he was being interviewed as a suspect. 

Why didn’t Gerry McCann or Kate McCann follow the rest of the groups lies regarding Russell O’Brien and Jane Tanner. 

Why did Kate McCann struggle to place Russell O’Brien and Jane Tanner at the table that evening?

Before we move on to the groups rogatory statements which contain a lot more information, we will summarise our findings so far. 

Jane Tanner 1st statement - RESTLESS AND CRYING

Rachael Oldfield 1st statement - CRYING

Russell O’Brien 1st statement - CRYING

Gerry McCann 2nd statement - No mention of Russell O’Brien, Jane Tanner or daughter. 

Matthew Oldfield 2nd statement - CRYING then ILL WITH VOMITING. 

Jane Tanner 2nd statement - CRYING

Russell O’Brien 2nd statement - CRYING then ILL WITH VOMITING

Rachael Oldfield 2nd statement - SICK WITH VOMITING

Dianne Webster 2nd statement - SICK WITH VOMITING

Kate McCann Arguido - No mention of Russell O’Brien, Jane Tanner or daughter. 

Gerry McCann - No mention of Russell O’Brien, Jane Tanner or daughter. 

The above shows that the group are divided between their timelines, and comparing this to the timelines which were written the night Madeleine McCann went missing, we can see that the Tapas 7 tend to follow the timeline 1 on the left and Gerry and Kate McCann are still following the timeline 2 on the right hand side. 

We will now continue with their rogatory interviews. 

We do understand that due to these interviews taking place one year later, the group have had plenty of time to discuss their lies and the reason for Russell O’Brien being absent from the meal. 

Once again, we will go through these interviews in order they were given and will see what the group have stated. 

The first interview to take place was on the 8th April 2008 at 10:00am. Jane Tanner was the first to be interviewed. 

This is what Jane Tanner said regarding Russell O’Brien and the reason he stayed in the apartment. 

Jane Tanner stated that Matthew Oldfield had told her that her daughter was UNWELL.  Jane Tanner did not state at this stage that Matthew Oldfield had told her that her daughter had VOMITED to the point where the child had to be bathed and the sheets needed to be washed.

It isn’t until the point were Jane Tanner is asked what happened after she was told that her daughter was UNWELL, and she has to discuss the goings on in her apartment when she returned, that she explains that her daughter had VOMITED and Russell O’Brien was using the WASHING MACHINE to clean the bed sheets. 

So from looking at the first rogatory interview given by Jane Tanner, she has stated that Russell O’Brien was using the WASHING MACHINE. 

This would seem normal to do if a child has been sick on their bedding, and of course Russell O’ could have asked Matthew Oldfield to ask Jane Tanner to request bedding from the reception on her way back to the apartment, as the ones he was washing wouldn’t be dry to put back on to the bed, but we knew they hadn’t done this. 

As we have discussed previously, we know Russell O’Brien didn’t leave the table at 9:30pm

We also know that his daughter wasn’t VOMITING from what the group had originally told us;

Jane Tanner 1st statement - RESTLESS AND CRYING

Rachael Oldfield 1st statement - CRYING

Russell O’Brien 1st statement - CRYING

Gerry McCann 2nd statement - No mention of Russell O’Brien, Jane Tanner or daughter. 

Matthew Oldfield 2nd statement - CRYING then ILL WITH VOMITING. 

Jane Tanner 2nd statement - CRYING

Russell O’Brien 2nd statement - CRYING then ILL WITH VOMITING

Rachael Oldfield 2nd statement - SICK WITH VOMITING

Dianne Webster 2nd statement - SICK WITH VOMITING

Kate McCann Arguido - No mention of Russell O’Brien, Jane Tanner or daughter. 

Gerry McCann - No mention of Russell O’Brien, Jane Tanner or daughter. 

It wasn’t until Jane Tanner’s 3rd interview when she first states that her daughter had been VOMITING.

Surely the mother of the child would have mentioned this fact in at least one of her precious statements. 

In our opinion, the lie regarding the vomiting was added in to allow more time for Russell O’Brien to be absent from the meal. 

As it is only Jane Tanner and Russell O’Brien who are in the apartment together, we believe it is important to look at Russell O’Brien’s rogatory interview;

(Bear in mind, during this part of the interview Russell O’Brien has been allowed to read his 2nd statement to refresh his memory as he is classed as a witness. Instead of Russell O’Brien using this time to have a quick read to make sure he hasn’t missed out any MAJOR information, he decides to use this time to make changes to his statement.)

As you can see from Russell O’Brien’s rogatory statement, he has made changes to what he had said in his second statement, a statement he signed a week after Madeleine McCann had gone missing, and signed it to say it was true to his word. Now 11 months later, where he says he can’t remember some details due to the amount of time that has elapsed, he’s still seems to be remembering to change MINOR details. 

Russell O’Brien also states that he was using a WASHING MACHINE while in his apartment. 

The extract below is also from Russell O’Brien’s rogatory, but this is when he is describing the time he was in the apartment, instead of refreshing his memory by changing his statement;

We noticed while reading Russell O’Brien’s rogatory statement, that he seems to be quite defensive while discussing using the WASHING MACHINE. We know his child hadn’t been sick, as this evolved over their statements when they slowly changed the reason for him staying, but it does seem very convincing that a WASHING MACHINE was being used during this time. 

Please click the link to go to Part 14 - The routine Sunday - Wednesday from 5:00-7:30pm

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