Tuesday 24 December 2019

Part 20 - 6:00pm Men’s Social Tennis, Did the men play? - Part 2

We have already looked at the groups first and second statements regarding the men playing tennis and from our findings, we can confirm the following. 

The women of the group returned to the apartments at 7:00pm. 

Fiona Payne and Kate McCann returned to the McCann’s apartment at 7:00pm

David Payne went to the tennis courts at 7:00pm. 

Gerry McCann returned to the apartments at 7:00pm. 

David Payne returned to the apartments at 7:10pm. 

Matthew Oldfield returned to the apartments at 7:15pm. (Where he found other members of the group, see part 1)

Russell O’Brien returned to the apartments at 7:15-7:30pm. 

We have also looked at David Payne’s visit to the McCann’s apartment at 6:30pm, and how he didn’t start to play tennis until 7:00pm. 

We will now show you how all the members have extended the time tennis ended in their rogatory statements. 

The majority of the group originally said that everyone was back at the apartments between 7:00-7:15pm on Thursday 3rd May 2007. 

Whereas in their rogatory statements when they have to describe this time in more detail, discrepancies are shown. 

In our opinion, this shows that something happened to Madeleine McCann between 6:30-7:00pm on the 3rd May 2007, while David Payne was in the apartment. 

We are not saying David Payne was alone with the children in the apartment as we still have to explain where other members of the group are, at the time David Payne was in the apartment. 

In our previous tennis post, we shown the statements of the group which said the men head to the tennis courts at 6:20pm to play men’s social tennis, and we are aware that Gerry McCann was already playing with Dan Stuk, Julian Totman and Brian Curtis. 

We are now going to look at where the men went to when they got to the tennis courts/apartments and then look at what time they started to play tennis. 

Gerry McCann and David Payne both stated, in previous statements we have shown, that David Payne went to the tennis courts when he returned from the beach at 6:30pm. 

David Payne also stated, in a previous statement we have shown, that he did not know where Russell O’Brien or Matthew Oldfield went when he went to the tennis courts at 6:30pm. 

Therefore, we will now look at Matthew Oldfield’s rogatory statement to see where he says he goes at 6:30pm when they arrive near the tennis courts/apartments. 

In Matthew Oldfield’s rogatory interview given on the 9th April 2008 at 10:19pm he stated the following;

Matthew Oldfield stated that he went back to the apartment to get the tennis gear and then went to the courts. 

Matthew Oldfield stated that the other men went and got their stuff. 

Matthew Oldfield stated that David Payne had said he had been in the apartment (does not state what apartment) and that he didn’t know anything about that. Even though according to Gerry McCann, David Payne was away from the tennis courts drom 6:30-7:00pm.

Matthew Oldfield stated that when he returned to the tennis courts, social tennis was already in play as it had already started. 

Matthew Oldfield then continued his interview;

Matthew Oldfield confirmed what Gerry McCann had said regarding social tennis. Gerry McCann was playing with 3 other players. Dan Stuk the tennis coach, Julian Totman and Brian Curtis. 
Matthew Oldfield continued;

Matthew Oldfield stated that due to the men already playing tennis, they didn’t manage to get on to the courts until closer to 7:00pm. 

Dan Stuk confirmed in his statement that men’s social tennis was from 6:00-7:00pm. 

The women of the group said that they left at the end of tennis at 7:00pm and the men arrived between 7:00-7:15pm. 

This is now where the discrepancies start showing for the time tennis ended. 

Originally, all the group members had returned to their apartments by 7:15pm. 

Matthew Oldfield continued his statement;

Matthew Oldfield has now stated that the tennis coach stayed to play and make up the numbers after 7:00pm. 

This is different to what the women said when they had returned at the beach at 6:30-6:40pm. They had said that the men were already playing and that they all left at 7:00pm, whereas now, Matthew Oldfield is saying that they started playing at 7:00pm and played for “the best part of an hour” therefore this would mean he arrived at the apartments (where he found other group members) closer to 8:00pm than the original 7:00pm they had all preciously said. 

Matthew Oldfield has decided to extend the time tennis ended, instead of explaining in detail what happened between 7:00-8:00pm. 

In our opinion, these findings now confirm that Matthew Oldfield did not play in the men’s social tennis on the Thursday night. 

We can also confirm that David Payne did not play in the men’s social tennis on the Thursday night. 

We will now look at Russell O’Brien’s statement regarding the time he arrived at the apartments/tennis court;

Russell O’Brien stated that they went to tennis around 6:00pm. We know this is false as the cctv footage from the beach shows the men leaving at 6:20pm. 

Russell O’Brien said he went to tennis with Matthew Oldfield and David Payne went to his apartment and then Gerry McCann’s. This is different to what Matthew Oldfield stated, as he said that he went the apartment first before going to the tennis courts.  David Payne had stated that he went the tennis courts first and then to the apartment. 

Russell O’Brien stated that he played tennis for an hour to an hour and a half which would take the tike he finished to 7:00-7:30pm, whereas from the other group members statements, the other men in the group didn’t play tennis. 

Russell O’Brien stated that Dan Stuk was there as well as other players and Gerry McCann, which was true. 

Russell O’Brien states that he assumed the McCann’s children were in their apartment. 

Russell O’Brien said that he returned to his apartment at 8:00pm, and because they were running late, they had to take the tennis rackets back to the apartments. Whereas in his previous statements Russell O’Brien said he had returned to the apartment between 7:15-7:30pm. 

So far we have shown the discrepancies between two members of the groups statements. 

Both of these group members have now extended the time that they returned from tennis to what they had originally stated in their first and second statement which was 7:15pm. 

Russell O’Brien provided a written statement in his rogatory interview. The interviewer allowed Russell O’Brien to read through his statement and he was allowed to make amendments to it if he felt in necessary. 

This is what Russell O’Brien had to say when he reached the part of tennis in his statement;

Russell O’Brien stated that he wanted to add in to his statement that Gerry McCann was playing tennis. He also says that David Payne and Matthew Oldfield were at the tennis, which have we have shown from their statements, its highly likely they had not played tennis that night. 

After Russell O’Brien had had his opportunity to amend his statement, the interviewer asked him direct questions regarding different events. One of these was the men’s social tennis;

Russell O’Brien stated that himself and Matthew Oldfield went straight to the courts and David Payne went to his apartment and to Gerry and Kate McCann’s apartment. Whereas in their previous statements, Matthew Oldfield had said he went to his apartment first, and David Payne had said he had been to the tennis courts first. Therefore, we believe that Russell O’Brien is now creating another alibi for himself, to ensure people believe he was at tennis and not at the apartments. 

Russell O’Brien stated that he CERTAINLY DIDN’T KNOW THEM TERRIBLY WELL when talking about Julian Totman and Brian Curtis, who were playing tennis with Gerry McCann and Dan Stuk. 

Russell O’Brien stated that they started playing doubles and then changing between players. 

Whereas Matthew Oldfield said that they didn’t get on the court until the other players had finished at 7:00pm, and that everyone returned to their apartments just after 7:00pm, and that David Payne didn’t play tennis between 6:30-7:00pm. 

Therefore, from the above and previous findings we believe that the men playing tennis was a lie to cover up their usual routine of bath time at 6:30pm. 

Russell O’Brien continued his interview;

Russell O’Brien stated that David Payne was only a few minutes at the apartments whereas in previous statements we have shown that David Payne returned to the tennis courts at 7:00pm. 

Russell O’Brien is now extending the time he spent at tennis. He states that he played for nearly an hour and a half. The longest time any of them have said for playing tennis. 

Russell O’Brien stated that they “weren’t playing anything like competitive tennis”, but they were supposedly meant to be playing in the men’s social tennis were he said he played doubles and changed players, therefore we doubt the children came on to the courts while the games were in play, especially with an instructor on the court who knows about child safety during an adult tennis game. 

Russell O’Brien then stated who took the children back to the apartments;

Russell O’Brien stated that Jane Tanner took their children back, but when he had to state who took Grace back, he firstly said Matthew Oldfield took Grace back, then Grace took, and then Rachael Oldfield took Grace. 

We believe the reason for this slip in the tongue was the fact that Matthew Oldfield usually did bath time, and the Thursday night, from what we have shown, should have been no different to any other night so far. 

Russell O’Brien confirms that Gerry McCann left the tennis courts as well as Dan Stuk the tennis coach earlier then themselves, Matthew Oldfield, who we have shown most likely did not play tennis that night, David Payne who most likely did not play tennis that night, and Russell O’Brien who seems to be creating another alibi. 

Russell O’Brien then stated about the time he returned from tennis;

Russell O’Brien stated that they returned to the apartment close to 8:00pm, and that they had to take the tennis rackets back to the apartments due to the pavilion being closed. 

Russell O’Brien is now stating that the Thursday night that all the men got back later than previous nights. 

Russell O’Brien has now extended the time tennis finished to closer to 8:00pm for himself, Matthew Oldfield and David Payne. 

What caused the men to take the rackets back with them to the apartments at the original time from their first and second statements of 7:00pm at the time David Payne had returned from possibly being alone with the children in the McCann’s apartment. 

There is now every possibility that Russell O’Brien or Matthew Oldfield is with David Payne, or both. 

The main point we are trying to make is, Russell O’Brien, Matthew Oldfield and David Payne have all used tennis as their alibi.

Therefore, what were the men doing between 6:30-7:00pm while they weren’t playing tennis?

What caused the group to now extend the time tennis finished to 8:00pm instead of the original 7:00pm finishing time?

What happened in the McCann’s apartment between 6:30-7:00pm while Kate and Gerry McCann weren’t present?

What could possibly have happened to cause an entire group to lie and cover up the truth?

Was it what happened at 6:30pm that meant they had to cover up the truth, or was it possibly which was happening during the night times which caused the whole group to agree to lie. 

We will do future posts on the night time and why the nights may be important to reason why the group have covered up what ever happened at 6:30pm on the 3rd May 2007. 

We are going to continue the timeline in our next post with, what the group say happened after 7:00-8:30pm on Thursday 3rd May 2007. 

Please click the link below to go to Part 21 - 7:00-8:30pm - The Aftermath


For future updates follow us on Twitter @akrasiel_angel

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