The Timelines Were Written By Certain Members of The Group
On the night that Madeleine McCann disappeared, some members of the group decided to write a timeline of events during their meal while Gerry McCann and Kate McCann were talking to the Portuguese authorities.
The statements below explain who actually wrote these statements.
This is from Matthew Oldfield’s rogatory statement;

Russell O’Brien confirms the same in his rogatory interview regarding writing the timelines.


As Russell O’Brien states, David Payne and Russell O’Brien wrote the timelines. The right hand side was Gerry McCann’s version.
The timelines were drawn up while Gerry McCann and Jane Tanner were speaking to the police.
While Jane Tanner was with the Portuguese authorities as well as Gerry McCann, she told them about the man carrying a child.

Gerry McCann had not told them about the incident with Jeremy Wilkins at this point (hence the reason it’s not written on to their timeline on the activity book) and Jane didn’t know that the time she says she supposedly saw the stranger would be the time Gerry McCann was talking to Jeremy Wilkins.
Due to Jane Tanner telling the Portuguese authorities that she saw the man and child at 9:15pm and this was the time Gerry McCann had spoke to Jeremy Wilkins.
Gerry McCann couldn’t deny this in front of the authorities. (See Jane Tanners Lie and Gerry McCann’s Lie)
This explains the reason why Jane Tanners check is circled on Gerry McCann’s timeline.
He was not aware of her leaving the table and he knows she didn’t walk past him and Jeremy Wilkins talking.
The reason why Jane Tanner said she saw a stranger was to create an alibi (See Russell O’Briens False alibi and lie)
The timeline the group written on Madeleine McCann’s activity book is below;

We will come back to the timeline during other posts.
During our research in to the case and looking at the groups timelines, we came to notice that each member of the group follows a certain timeline.
They don’t all follow the same timeline.
Gerry McCann and Kate McCann always follow the timeline on the right hand side of the activity book in their statements.
Matthew Oldfield, Rachael Oldfield, Jane Tanner and Russell O’Brien follow the timeline on the left hand side of the activity book in their 1st statements.
There’s a difference in the groups version of events which means there was an unexpected change in their original plan.
The change that happened in our opinion was Jane Tanner’s lie being added in at the time Gerry McCann was talking to Jeremy Wilkins.
This lie is what threw a spanner in the works of the whole fake abduction timeline.
Without Jane Tanner’s lie which gave Russell O’Brien his false alibi at 9:40pm (see Russell O’Brien’s False alibi.) The group could easily have stuck to a normal 30 minute checking routine, rather than the mash up they ended up with on the Thursday night.
David Payne, Fiona Payne and Dianne Webster don’t follow either of the timelines in the activity book in their 1st or 2nd statements. (David Payne and Fiona Payne do not have 2nd statements in the files)
The group created a typed up version of their timeline, we will call it timeline 3.
The entire group apart from Gerry McCann and Kate McCann followed this timeline in their 2nd statements on the 10th and 11th May 2007 as well as in their rogatory interviews in April 2008
We will reference back to these during other posts.

Please click the link to go to Part 4 - Jane Tanner’s Lie
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