Saturday 21 December 2019

Part 15 - Gerry And Kate McCann‘s Lie Regarding The Evening Routine

Did Gerry and Kate McCann lie in their first statements regarding the children’s routine in the evening?

We are now going to look at the routine in more detail using their rogatory statements. 

We have decided to do this as a post in itself due to the amount of information contained in their rogatory interviews. 

We have shown from their first and second statements that there is a possibility Gerry and Kate McCann lied in their first statements on the 4th May 2007, in regards to their routine. 

Gerry and Kate McCann had both stated that the children were bathed at 5:30pm, but Gerry McCann described his routine in his second statement that the children played in the play area between 5:30-6:30pm, they were then taken back to the apartments for bath time. 

To summarise the groups routine from their first and second statements;


Due to Gerry and Kate McCann not providing rogatory interviews, we only have what they have stated so far. Therefore we rely on the other group members to provide more detail regarding the evening routine. 

Jane Tanner was the first group member to give her rogatory interview on the 8th April 2008 at 10:00am and stated;

Jane Tanner states that after tea, EVERYBODY got together in the play area. 

Jane Tanner stated that they did this MOST days. 

Further on in Jane Tanner’s statement she states;

Jane Tanner has stated that on one night during the week she went jogging between 6:30-7:00pm. This could either be during bath time or before bath time. 

Jane Tanner stated that it was mainly in the evening at the play area and during the meal at the Tapas that she saw Gerry and Kate McCann. Therefore, this is a confirmation that Gerry and Kate McCann followed the same routine as the group, by taking their children to the play area after their tea. 

According to Jane Tanner, this was the only time she saw Madeleine during the week, the time in the play area. This again confirms that Gerry and Kate McCann took their children to the play area after tea. 

This not only confirms that Gerry and Kate McCann lied about their routine in their first statements, it also raises the question of why?

Jane Tanner didn’t discuss anything else regarding their routines during Sunday to Wednesday in her rogatory interview other than extracts above. 

We can confirm that according to Jane Tanner, EVERYBODY was in the PLAY AREA after THE CHILDREN’S TEA, afterwards the CHILDREN WERE BATHED, then the CHILDREN WERE PUT TO BED. 

Matthew Oldfield was the next group member to give his rogatory interview the following day, on the 9th April 2008 at 10:19am. 

Matthew Oldfield stated that the social tennis time for THE WHOLE WEEK was changed from its usual slot of 6:30-7:30pm to 6:00-7:00pm. The group had originally requested for the tennis slot to be moved to 5:30-6:30pm as bath time was at 6:30pm, but the resort could not accommodate this request. 

Matthew Oldfield has stated that the social tennis slot was moves to 6:00-7:00pm EVERY NIGHT. The group have also confirmed their routine during the evening, 5:30-6:30pm, the children play in the play area, 6:30-7:00pm, the children are bathed. 

Going with what Matthew Oldfield stated, the children must have been bathed at the same time as the group are playing tennis. (Sunday-Wednesday). 

Matthew Oldfield then discusses the times in the play area;

Matthew Oldfield states the word “we” during his statement when talking about Madeleine McCann being chased. This would mean that it included Matthew Oldfield and other members of the group. 

Matthew Oldfield stated that Rachael Oldfield had played tennis in the evening as his daughter was trying to get her mums attention. 

Matthew Oldfield then discusses how these were the times that he got to know Kate and Gerry McCann;

Matthew Oldfield was asked a direct question regarding Kate and Gerry McCann, but he responds by changing the subject to Madeleine McCann after one sentence. Matthew Oldfield says that this is when they use to play monster with Madeleine McCann by chasing her. Matthew Oldfield stated that it was ALL PRETEND AT THE POINT, BUT OF COURSE, ERM, NOT AS IT TURNED OUT...

Matthew Oldfield states that the children would play by jumping on David Payne and Gerry McCann. He does not state any other group members who were playing with the children in this part of his interview. 

As we were reading Matthew Oldfield statements and noticed how he changed the subject from how he got to know Gerry and Kate McCann, to Madeleine McCann playing monster, he relates back to the monster game when he is asked to describe Madeleine McCann. 

Matthew Oldfield has stated that Madeleine McCann like being chased by members of the group, and pretending they were monsters. 

Matthew Oldfield stated that it was all pretend at that point, but not as it turned out. 

Even though we believe this is suspicious, that both times when Matthew Oldfield is asked to describe people, he describes the game they played with Madeleine McCann of monster and chasing her, and how it WAS all pretend, but NOT AS IT TURNED OUT. 

In our opinion, this information can be seen as suspicious, due to the fact he is explaining more about something he hasn’t been asked, and this has happened on two occasions within his rogatory interview. 

We decided to include this part due to the fact they are talking about what they do with in their routine between 5:00-7:30pm. 

Matthew Oldfield stated about who bathed the children between himself and Rachael Oldfield. 

Matthew Oldfield stated that he liked doing the, he usually did bath time, and Rachael Oldfield would usually read the children a story. 

Matthew Oldfield did not state anything else regarding the routine during Sunday to Wednesday other than the extracts above. 

On the same day as Matthew Oldfield, the 9th April 2008 at 10:19am, his wife, Rachael Oldfield also gave hers at 10:23am. 

The first time Rachael Oldfield discusses anything to do with the evening routine is regarding the tennis times being changed;

Rachael Oldfield confirms what Matthew Oldfield had said regarding the tennis slot. It was moved to 6:00-7:00pm because the 6:30-7:30pm ran over bath time, even thought the group have already confirmed that bath time was usually 6:30-7:30pm. 

Rachael Oldfield, when talking about the Thursday night, which we will discuss in a later post, says this regarding the children bathing;

Rachael Oldfield states that she could not remember if it was the Thursday night her children bathed with Jane Tanner’s or Russell O’Brien’s daughter, or if it was another night. 

If Rachael Oldfield cannot confirm which night this was, this could mean that the children have been bathed in other peoples apartments during the week, and with her discussing this detail about Thursday, the day details should be clearer in her mind, she still isn’t able to confirm if it was the Thursday or a different day the children were bathed together. 

Taking Rachael Oldfield's statement in to account regarding bath time as well as taking Matthew Oldfield's account regarding bath time, we know that their children and Russell O’Brien and Jane Tanner’s children were bathed together during the holiday, and we also had Matthew Oldfield stated that he liked doing, usually did bath time. 

Rachael Oldfield confirms again, that the children share baths with each other;

Rachael Oldfield also states that the group went in to each others apartments around bedtime, just before or just after. 

Rachael Oldfield has stated that her child shared baths with Jane Tanner’s and Russell O’Briens daughter. 

Rachael Oldfield has stated she is not sure if it was the Thursday the children shared a bath or if it was another day during the week. 

Matthew Oldfield stated that he liked doing, usually did the bath time. 

Rachael Oldfield then confirmed in her rogatory how often she saw Madeleine McCann;

Rachael Oldfield said that she saw Madeleine McCann EVERYDAY in the play area after high tea. This once again confirms the groups routine Sunday to Wednesday. 

Rachael Oldfield also described the monster game in her statement when she was asked to describe Madeleine McCann;

Rachael Oldfield has now stated that it was Matthew Oldfield, David Payne or Russell O’Brien that use to play chase, pretending to be a monster with Madeleine McCann. 

Rachael Oldfield does not state anything further regarding the evening routine between Sunday to Wednesday. 

No-one else have their rogatory interview on the 9th April 2008. 

The following day, the 10th April 2008 at 8:55am, Fiona Payne gave her rogatory interview. 

Fiona Payne, once again confirms the groups usual routine of the children having their, tea and then going to the play area;

Fiona Payne also confirms that the tennis slot was changed to 6:00-7:00pm. 

Fiona Payne states what they did during tennis and the routine with the children 

Fiona Payne stated that depending who was playing tennis dictated who took the children back to the apartments for bath time. 

Fiona Payne stated that the group didn’t always leave the tennis courts together. Some of the group would stay at the courts and play and the other members who weren’t playing tennis would take the children for their baths. 

Fiona Payne stated that on the women’s social tennis the night, the men didn’t play, for obvious reasons. 

Therefore, if bath time was 6:30pm as the group have confirmed, women’s social tennis would have gone over bath time. 

Fiona Payne once again confirms in her rogatory statement that the group spent time together in the play area after the children had tea, with Gerry and Kate McCann. 

In our opinion, their is definite confirmation that Gerry and Kate McCann followed the same routine as the other groups members with their children in the evening. 

They took them to the play area after high tea at 5:30pm everyday Sunday to Wednesday. 

Fiona Payne then stated about women’s social tennis on the Wednesday night;

Fiona Payne had stated that all the women played social tennis on the Wednesday night, and the men stayed in the play area with the children. Fiona Payne also confirms the change in the tennis slot time. 

Fiona Payne then continues to describe bath time during women’s social tennis;
Fiona Payne states that David Payne took the kids back on the Wednesday night. Fiona Payne adds emphasis to whose kids David Payne has taken back by saying OUR KIDS. 

Why has Fiona Payne felt the need to add emphasis to David Payne taking only their kids back?

The final discussion Fiona Payne had about their routine in her rogatory was the following;

Fiona Payne confirms once again the same routine followed by the whole group. 

Russell O’Brien was the next member of the group that gave his interview on the 10th April 2008 at 8:59am. 

The only discussion Russell O’Brien had regarding his routine was the following;

Out of Russell O’Brien’s entire interview, this is all he says regarding the routine, the majority of his rogatory interview is Russell O’Brien reading through his previous statement to refresh his memory, and instead of just reading it to refresh, he spent the time in his rogatory interview making changes to a document, which, at the time of providing this information he had signed saying was true to his knowledge. 

The statement he was allowed to review was one which he provided a week after Madeleine McCann went missing, whereas nearly one year later, he is changing details in his previous statement rather than being reinterviewed. 

Towards the end of the rogatory, Russell O’Brien is asked to go in to more detail about certain parts of the holiday, but due to the amount of time he spent changing his precious statement, they didn’t have the same amount of time to ask for more detail regarding the days of the week in Portugal. 

There should not be any need to change details in a witness statement, only add more details if something significant had been remembered. 

Russell O’Brien was not adding anything significant to help the investigation. Russell O’Brien was changing what seems like minor changes, but they can’t be that minor, as Russell O’Brien wants them changed. 

In our opinion, this is extremely strange behaviour from an innocent witness. 

As we have shown from the previous posts, Russell O’Brien cannot be as innocent as he wants people to believe due the the False alibi he created for himself, and now he is trying to change his statement one year after providing it. 

The second to last group member to give their interview was David Payne. He gave his on the 11th April 2008 at 10:26am. 

David Payne discussed the same evening routine as the other group members. 

David Payne stated that they often went to the play area after the children had their tea, take the children for their baths by the group members who weren’t playing social tennis, and prepare the children for bed. 

The routine he describes matches the rest of the group for each day from Sunday to Wednesday. 

David Payne does not state anything else regarding the routine in the evening during Sunday to Wednesday in his rogatory interview. 

Dianne Webster was the last group member to be interviewed on the 11th April 2008 at 10:26am. 

Regarding the routine, Dianne Webster stated;

Dianne Webster has also stated that every night the group would play in the play area. 

And finally, the last statement regarding the routine from the groups rogatory statements from Dianne Webster. 

Once again, Dianne Webster confirms the same routine as the rest of the group. 

Therefore, from our finds above we can confirm that Gerry McCann and Kate McCann both lied in their first statements regarding the routine with their children. 

The whole groups agree that the routine for everyone was;


But for some reason, Gerry McCann and Kate McCann originally stated the following routine;


Other information we believe to be important from the groups statements are as follows;

Matthew Oldfield stated that he usually did bath time. 

Fiona Payne stated that David Payne did bath time with “OUR KIDS” when it was women’s tennis. 

Rachael Oldfield states that her daughter bathed with Jane Tanner’s daughter one night, but she could not remember if that was the night Madeleine McCann went missing or not. 

David Payne stated that the group members who weren’t playing tennis would take the children for their baths. 

In our opinion, from the research above, we do believe there was a reason for Gerry and Kate McCann to put this routine in their very first statement. 

This was because, this is were the cover up of the truth occurs. 

Before we continue, we want to bring attention to another statement. This statement was not given by any of the group members. 

This statement was provided by a lady called Katherina Gasper. 

Katherina Gasper had attended a previous holiday to Majorca in 2005 with David and Fiona Payne, Gerry and Kate McCann and another couple who did not attend the holiday in Portugal.

Katherina Gasper stated the following regarding the holiday;

Katherina Gasper stated that it was the fathers who bathed the children. 

Katherina Gasper stated that David Payne bathed the children at times. 

In a following post we will discuss the Thursday routine and how Gerry and Kate McCann’s above routine was created as part of the whole cover up.

Please click the link below to go to Part 16 - Did the men play tennis during the week?

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