Monday 23 December 2019

Part 18 - 6:00pm Men’s Social Tennis, Did the men play? - Part 1

We are now going to look at the men’s social tennis which took place at 6:00pm on Thursday the 3rd May 2007 as we do not believe the men, apart from Gerry McCann, played men’s social tennis. 

As you may remember from our previous posts, it was only Gerry McCann who we can confirm played tennis everyday. Matthew Oldfield had played one lesson other than the time we are going to discuss, and David Payne and Russell O’Brien have no confirmation within the statements that they played tennis. 

The group had changed the time of the tennis all week as stated by numerous members of the group. The tennis was due to begin at 6:00pm. 

Gerry McCann was already at the tennis at 6:00pm, as he went to the play area/tennis courts with Kate McCann and the children at 5:30pm (see previous post). 

From our findings in the statements, we believe that the men didn’t actually play men’s social tennis on Thursday 3rd May 2007. 

We will now explain how we have come to this conclusion, once again, in order of the statements to see how this lie reveals itself. 

Remember that the majority if the group have lied after 5:30pm, but their truths still appear in their statements. Due to this, this post will overlap with what happens at 7:00pm. 

Also, remember that social tennis had been changed from beginning at 6:30pm to starting at 6:00pm, therefore the tennis would then end at 7:00pm. 

The first person to discuss the men’s social tennis was Jane Tanner in her first statement given on the 4th May 2007 at 11:30am. 

Jane Tanner stated that Russell O’Brien, Matthew Oldfield and David Payne left the beach bar and head to the tennis courts for men’s social tennis. Jane Tanner followed shortly after with the rest of the group at about 6:20pm (we know it is later than this due to cctv, but Jane Tanner would be giving an approximate time)

Jane Tanner stated that they passed by the tennis courts and stayed talking until 8:30pm, the abbreviation (Sic) means that the passage was translated as it was in the original document, which means the Portuguese statement from Jane Tanner says 8:30pm. 

It is hard to say why this may have happened, and it could have been Jane Tanner to skip over the time of tennis and the apartments before the Tapas, but she does explain later on in the statement what she did from 7:00pm onwards. 

This is either a genuine error, or her interview was question led, snd she was asked to describe what happened between tennis and the meal. These are assumptions, but may be confirmed further on.  

Jane Tanner stated that she thought Kate McCann was in her apartment putting the children to bed, therefore this only confirms Kate McCann was not there when Jane Tanner arrived. It does not confirm that she hadn’t been there. 

Jane Tanner then states that at 7:00pm they all went back to their own apartments, she bathed the children, read them a story and put them to bed. 

Jane Tanner stated that her daughter was unwell and having trouble sleeping, therefore Russell O’Brien stayed with his daughter when Jane Tanner went to the restaurant for 8:30pm

Once we have gone through a few more statements, we will compare what each member have said and will explain the discrepancies. 

The next group member to discuss the timings between 6:00-7:00pm was Fiona Payne in her first statement given on the 4th May 2007 at 7:20pm. 

Fiona Payne stated that they left the beach at 6:15pm, (cctv shows later) and they went to the tennis courts until 7:00pm. 

Fiona Payne stated that at 7:00pm, herself and Dianne Webster took their children back to the apartment, ten minutes later David Payne arrived. (7:10pm)

Fiona Payne stated that Dianne Webster helped David Payne bathe the children while she went jogging until 8:00pm. 

Therefore, comparing her statement against Jane Tanner’s, they both agreed that they left the beach at around 6:15pm and headed towards the tennis courts. 

They spent approx 30 minutes at the tennis courts and left at 7:00pm to return to the apartment, which was the end of men’s social tennis, and that at 7:10pm David Payne appeared. 

Jane Tanner stated she bathed her children in her apartment and Russell O’Brien stayed with their unwell daughter who had trouble sleeping. 

Fiona Payne said that Dianne Webster and David Payne bathed their children while she went jogging until 8:00pm. 

Dianne Webster was the next member of the group to discuss the same time period. 

Dianne Webster stated the same as Fiona Payne. She stated that they left the beach bar at 6:15pm to go to the tennis courts where they stayed until 7:00pm (the end of men’s social tennis)

Dianne Webster then stated that she went to the apartment after tennis had ended with the children, she does not state that Fiona Payne went with her. 

Dianne Webster then stated that David Payne arrived ten minutes later, which confirmed what Fiona Payne said. 

From looking at their statements so far, there is only one major discrepancy between all their first statements. Dianne Webster did not state that Fiona Payne was with her at 7:00pm.

This could be seen as an error and Dianne Webster had forgot to say that Fiona Payne was with her, or that Dianne Webster was telling the truth and she did not return to the apartment with Fiona Payne at 7:00pm. 

The reason why we believe Dianne Webster is telling the truth and Fiona Payne was not with her at 7:00pm, is because Fiona Payne said herself that she was with someone else at 7:00pm. 

Fiona Payne has stated that she was with Kate McCann at 7:00pm and that she returned to Kate McCann’s apartment.

Fiona Payne also confirms that her husband arrived ten minutes as she had said in her previous statement. 

From going with the findings so far in this post and our previous post. 

There is every possibility that Kate McCann WAS AT THE TENNIS COURTS when the men arrived at 6:30pm. 

There is every possibility that Kate McCann left and went to her apartment at 6:30pm. 

There is every possibility Kate McCann then left her apartment to be able to return at 7:00pm with Fiona Payne. 

If she did not leave her apartment to be able to return at 7:00pm, there is a possibility she never went inside her apartment between 6:30-7:00pm. 

Either way, Kate McCann was not where she said she was prior to 7:00pm, in the apartment with the children. 

The above information relates to David Payne’s visit at 6:30pm, but before we discuss that event, we need to discuss the rest of the men’s social tennis. So this is something we will explain in future post. 

Returning to the men’s social tennis and referring back to the first statements who spoke about men’s tennis. 

Out of the 3 group members who discussed the time during men’s tennis, Jane Tanner was the only one who said that Russell O’Brien, Matthew Oldfield and David Payne left before them for tennis, we know this is true from the cctv footage. 

Jane Tanner then stated that she ”had passed by the tennis courts, seen all the men, including Gerry on court”

Did Jane Tanner mean all the men were on the court or just Gerry McCann?

Gerry McCann gave his second statement on the 10th May 2007 at 3:20pm, he was the next member of the group to discuss men’s social tennis. 

Gerry McCann stated that they bathed the children and left for tennis at 6:00pm. 

REMEMBER THIS IS NOT TRUE - There usual routine was going the play area at 5:30pm which has been confirmed in our previous posts, therefore they could not be in the apartment to bathe the children at this time. 

We believe the reason why they said she was tired was for an excuse for not going to Millennium restaurant that Thursday night. 

We believe the reason why they said they bathed the children at this time, is because the usual time the children are bathed is at 6:30pm. 

Once again, this will be discussed in more detail in our next post. 

Gerry McCann stated that men’s social tennis started at 6:00pm and he played this with Dan Stuk, the tennis instructor, Julian Totman, a holiday guest and supposedly Tannerman, and Brian Curtis, a holiday maker. 

Since Gerry McCann has mention other people, we will look at their statement. 

The only available statement was from Dan Stuk the tennis instructor. There are no statements from either Julian Totman or Brian Curtis. 

Dan Stuk stated the following regarding men’s social tennis. 

Dan Stuk that Gerry McCann played the men’s social tennis and this was between 6:00-7:00pm. 

Dan Stuk has not mentioned any other players in his statement. 

Continuing with Gerry McCann’s statement, he stated the following;

Gerry McCann stated that David Payne went to his apartment at 6:30pm and returned at 7:00pm, which was at the time the men’s social ended. This would mean David Payne didn’t play tennis.

Gerry McCann stated that David Payne tries to persuade him to stay and play, but he left at 7:00pm (end of social tennis). 

Gerry McCann then stated the men stayed to play. 

We are now going to look at the time the men say they return to the apartments from their earlier statements. 

Jane Tanner in her first statement given on the 4th May 2007 stated;

Jane Tanner has stated that they ALL went back to the apartments at 7:00pm. 

And even though Fiona Payne possibly wasn’t with the group at the tennis courts, she still confirms it ended at 7:00pm and David Payne returned to the apartment ten minutes later. 

This confirms, once again that tennis had ended at 7:00pm and David Payne did not stay long to play comparing to Gerry McCann saying David Payne arrived at 7:00pm when tennis had ended. 

Dianne Webster said the same as Fiona Payne, except she did not state that Fiona Payne was with her;

Dianne Webster confirms leaving at 7:00pm and David Payne, once again, ten minutes later. 

The last group member who discussed the time they returned from tennis in their first statements was Russell O’Brien who gave him statement late at night on the 4th May 2007 at 9:45pm. 

Russell O’Brien has stated a later time than other members of the group for when he returned to the apartment. He stated between 7:15-7:30pm. 

The majority of the group who discussed the time they left tennis, said they left the tennis courts at 7:00pm. 

Which was the same time David Payne arrived at the tennis courts after being at Gerry and Kate McCann’s apartment from 6:30pm. 

Which was also the same time Dianne Webster returned to the apartments without Fiona Payne.

Fiona Payne returned to the McCann’s apartment with Kate McCann at 7:00pm.

The next group member to confirm that men’s social tennis had ended at 7:00pm was Matthew Oldfield in his second statement given on the 10th May 2007 at 4:00pm;

Matthew Oldfield stated that they returned to their apartments after tennis at 7pm. 

An interesting piece from Matthew Oldfield’s statement above is;


We believe this to be a red flag, especially when we explain further. 

Keep this point in mind though, that after 7:00pm when returning to the apartments, there were OTHER MEMBERS of the group. 

Supposedly, Gerry and Kate McCann were in theirs, Dianne Webster and David Payne was in theirs, Jane Tanner was bathing her children in hers. We still have to see what Rachael says she was doing, but so far we have confirmation from the majority of the group that they all returned from tennis at 7:00pm. 

Jane Tanner gave her second statement on the 10th May 2007 at 4:35pm and stated the following;

Jane Tanner again stated that she left the tennis courts at 7:00pm and each person went to their own apartments. 

Jane Tanner stated that she bathed her children. 

Jane Tanner stated again that her daughter was sick and had difficulty sleeping. (As we have shown in a previous post how this evolved to form an alibi)

Jane Tanner also stated that Russell O’Brien because their daughter was unwell arrived and he stayed with his daughter while she went to the Tapas. 

Whereas Russell O’Brien stated this in his second statement given on the 11th May 2007 at 11:20am;

Russell O’Brien has once again, stated a later time for returning to his apartment. 

Russell O’Brien also stated that his daughter was a little better that evening, this was different to what Jane Tanner had stated in her previous statements, as she had said her daughter had been sick. (See post Russell’s false alibi)

Rachael Oldfield then gave her interview at 11:30am on the 11th May 2007, she stated the following;

Rachael Oldfield has stated that she stayed at the play area until 7:00pm, and that Matthew Oldfield returned to their apartment at 7:15pm. This agrees with the majority of statements. 

The final member of the group to give their second statement was Dianne Webster at 11:30am on the 11th May 2007. 

As we have shown from our previous posts, Dianne Webster has added a lot of details in her second statement which we have proven that she has remembered to include the details important to the groups timeline, 

Eg Russell O’Brien leaving the table, remembering Matthew Oldfield walking past at 9:00pm (she did not see Matthew Oldfield at 9:00pm in her first statement she provided or in her second statement where she was directly asked, but remembered him in her rogatory interview, David Payne returning at 7:10pm, Fiona Payne going for a jog at 7:15pm, we will go through the last two in a future post.

Now Dianne Webster is stating the following;

Dianne Webster has now remembered that Fiona Payne was with her at 7:00pm, but she is now saying that David Payne also returned with them at 7:00pm. 

This confirms that tennis ended at 7:00pm, as it agrees with the majority of the group, but now she’s included Fiona Payne at 7:00pm, whereas as we have shown, the possibility that Fiona Payne was with Kate McCann at 7:00pm. 

Our conclusions from the groups first and second statements so far;

Gerry McCann played tennis with Dan Stuk, Julian Totman and Brian Curtis between 6:00-7:00pm. 

Kate McCann was at the tennis courts/play area when the men arrived at 6:30pm. 

Kate McCann had left the tennis courts by the time the women arrived at 6:40pm (cctv footage). 

David Payne did not play tennis as he was away between 6:30-7:00pm at the McCann’s apartment. 

Fiona Payne was with Kate McCann at 7:00pm and returned to the McCann’s apartment. 

David Payne went to the tennis courts at 7:00pm. 

Gerry McCann left the tennis courts and returned to the apartment just after 7:00pm

David Payne returned to the apartment at 7:10pm

Matthew Oldfield returned to the apartment to find other members of the group. 

Russell O’Brien returned to his apartment between 7:15-7:30pm. 

What we have hopefully shown from our findings is that Madeleine McCann would still be alive up until Thursday 3rd May 2007 at 6:30pm as the group have been describing their usual routine for the Thursday night as they did every night previously.  The only exception is, the the whole group weren’t together until 6:30pm. 

Before we move on, we’ve got to discuss a little bit more regarding Russell O’Brien, Matthew Oldfield and David Payne returning to play tennis. 

The group had changed the tennis times all week, so it didn’t cross over bath time, but it did exactly that, as bath time was usually 6:30pm. 

Russell O’Brien, Matthew Oldfield and David Payne knew that the men’s social tennis started at 6:00pm as they had requested this change, but didn’t decide to attend until after 6:20pm. 

Russell O’Brien and David Payne have not played tennis during the week. Russell O’Brien said he was not bothered with playing tennis, and David Payne did not play tennis on the Thursday night according to the statements above. 

Gerry McCann was playing social tennis with three other players between 6:00-7:00pm. These were Dan Stuk, Julian Totman and Brian Curtis. 

In our next post we will explain what we believe happened between 6:30-7:00pm. 

After that, we will return back to tennis and the men playing social tennis using their rogatories. This is due to the fact that they group go in to more detail in their rogatories but it crosses over with what happens between 6:30-7:00pm. Therefore it will also prove further how the men were not playing tennis between 6:30-7:00pm and raises the question of,










For reference, we will post Katherina Gasper’s statement to a previous holiday in Majorca in 2005;

 If you would like to read her whole statement, please clink the link below; (warning sensitive material contained)

Please click the link below to go to Part 19 - David Payne’s visit at 6:30pm on Thursday 3rd May 2007

For future updates follow us on Twitter @akrasiel_angel

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