Russell O’Brien’s False Alibi and Lie
Now that we have explained the timeline, Jane Tanner’s lie and Gerry McCann’s lie, We are going to explain how all these tie together to create Russell’s false alibi.
We have to admit that the false alibi created gave alibis to Gerry McCann, Jane Tanner, Matthew Oldfield and Russell O’Brien, but the main person this alibi was created for was Russell O’Brien.
You may see the same extracts we have previously posted in other people’s lies, but they are needed to explain how Russell O’Brien created this lie.
Once again, to get to the conclusion, We start with the statements in and timeline in Chronological order.
Looking at the groups timeline that they wrote on the activity book.

As you can see from the timeline above.
On the left it says that Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield check all 3. It doesn’t give much detail, but it does say Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield together.
The timeline on the right was Gerry McCann’s version of the same night, but his timeline says that Russell O’Brien was in his apartment at 9:30pm with his poorly daughter.
What we know regarding this time is that Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield supposedly stood up from the table at the same time, both men went to the apartments where Matthew Oldfield checked his apartment while Russell O’Brien checked his. Russell O’Brien said his daughter was awake. Matthew Oldfield checked on Russell O’Brien before returning to the restaurant. Russell O’Brien said he had to stay in his apartment with his daughter. Therefore Matthew Oldfield returned to the Tapas restaurant by himself after checking at the McCann’s apartment, where he did not see Madeleine McCann. After Matthew Oldfield returned, he told Jane Tanner about her partner staying in the apartment. A few minutes later Jane Tanner left and Russell O’Brien returned to the Tapas restaurant.
Let’s see how true this was according to the groups statements.
So, Gerry McCann gave his 1st statement on the 4th May 2007 at 11:15am. He described the following in regard to what happened at 9:30pm on the 3rd May 2007. It hadn’t even been 24 hours since Madeleine had gone missing, therefore his memories should be fresh for what happened thag night.

As you can see from Gerry’s first statement, he does not mention Russell O’Brien leaving with Matthew Oldfield at 9:30pm.
Gerry McCann does not state Matthew Oldfield going to Russell O’Briens apartment who had found his daughter awake.
Gerry McCann does not state Matthew Oldfield returning and saying that Russell O’Brien’s daughter had woke.
Gerry McCann does not state that Jane Tanner left the restaurant after Matthew Oldfield returned.
Gerry McCann does not state that Russell O’Brien returned before Kate McCann went to do her check at 10:00pm.
As this is a major investigation and no-one supposedly knows what happened to Madeleine that night, every small detail would be important, especially the movements of the group members.
If Jane Tanner and Russell O’Brien had left and returned to the restaurant the amount of times they supposedly had done, surely Gerry McCann would have remembered at least one of these movements at some point.
So from liking through Gerry McCann’s statement, he does not confirm that Jane Tanner or Russell O’Brien left after 9:30pm. He clearly states Matthew Oldfield left and returned and then Kate McCann did her check at 10:00pm.
The next person to give their statement was Russell O’Briens partner, Jane Tanner.
She gave her statement on the 4th May 2007 at 11:30am while Gerry McCann was giving his statement which started at 11:15am.
Jane Tanner, Russell O’Brien’s partner said the following regarding the events at 9:30pm

Jane Tanner stated that Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield 15-20 minutes after Jane Tanner had returned after her check at 9:15pm.
Jane Tanner stated that Russell O’Brien remained in the apartment due to their daughter crying.
Jane Tanner stated that Matthew Oldfield returned and told her that Russell O’Brien was staying in the apartment with their daughter.
Jane Tanner stated that she finished her meal and left the restaurant so Russell O’Brien could return.
This was completely different to what Gerry McCann was saying in his first statement as the same time as Jane Tanner was giving hers.
Gerry McCann did not state that Russell O’Brien had left with Matthew Oldfield, nor did he state any other movement by Jane Tanner or Russell O’Brien.
Whereas Russell O’Brien’s partner, Jane Tanner, stated that her partner left with Matthew Oldfield, stayed at the apartment, where she then took over from Russell O’Brien so he could return to the restaurant.
So, out of two members of the group we already have a discrepancy regarding Russell O’Brien leaving the restaurant at 9:30pm.
This does not confirm anything at the moment, but it does show a discrepancy, therefore we will continue looking at the groups statements to see what can be confirmed.
While Gerry McCann was giving his statement which started at 11:15am, and Jane Tanners started at 11:30am, Matthew Oldfield also gave his first statement at 11:30am on the 4th May 2007. The exact same time as Jane Tanner.
None of these could discuss further what happened that night and had to rely on their memories.
According to Jane Tanner, Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield and stayed at the apartment due to her daughter crying.
What does Matthew Oldfield state regarding this check at 9:30pm on the 3rd May 2007

According to Jane Tanner, Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield.
Matthew Oldfield did not state in his first interview that he left the restaurant with Russell O’Brien.
Matthew Oldfield did not state that Russell O’Brien stayed in his apartment with his daughter who was awake or crying.
Matthew Oldfield does not state that when he returned to the restaurant he informed Jane Tanner that Russell O’Brien was staying in the apartment with their crying daughter.
Matthew Oldfield does not state that Jane Tanner left and Russell O’Brien returned before Kate McCann’s check at 10:00pm
From these findings, this is a red flag in the investigation.
The one person who should be able to confirm that Russell O’Brien left with him at 9:30pm was Matthew Oldfield.
This information would be extremely important to the case. The group had signed their statements saying that what they had said was true to their knowledge.
Why didn’t Matthew Oldfield state anything about Russell O’Brien, Jane Tanner or their daughter who was supposedly awake and crying?
There is only one reason why Matthew Oldfield wouldn’t state that Russell O’Brien went with him, that’s would be due to the fact that Russell O’Brien did not leave the restaurant at the same time as Matthew Oldfield.
To confirm this assumption further, we will continue to check the groups statements in chronological order.
The next person who gave their statement was Kate McCann on the 4th May 2007 at 2:20pm.

Kate McCann does not state that Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield at 9:30pm even though this is the time the both when were going back towards the apartments and either one if not both would check at the McCann’s apartment.
If this event of Russell O’Brien going with Matthew Oldfield did take place, surely the Mother of the missing child would remember this information, as well as the Father of the missing child. Neither Gerry McCann or Kate McCann can confirm that Russell left the restaurant at 9:30pm with Matthew Oldfield.
Before going further in to the groups statements. Only after 4 members of the group have given their statements on the 4th May 2007 in chronological order, only 1 out of those 4 can confirm that Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield at 9:30pm.
It wasn’t the Gerry McCann, the Father of the missing child, who remembered Matthew Oldfield leaving but did not state that Russell O’Brien left with him, or that he stayed in the apartment with his daughter before Jane Tanner switched places.
It wasn’t Kate McCann, the Mother of the missing child, who remembered Matthew Oldfield leaving but did not state that Russell O’Brien left with him, or that he stayed in the apartment with his daughter before Jane Tanner switched places.
It wasn’t even Matthew Oldfield, who Russell O’Brien supposedly walked with towards the apartments, checked at each other’s apartment, returned to the restaurant and supposedly told Jane Tanner that Russell O’Brien would be staying his apartment. This is the one person you would expect to remember important details such as this, as he was supposedly with Russell O’Brien during this time. Not one does Matthew Oldfield state that Russell O’Brien left the restaurant with him at 9:30pm.
The only person who stated that Russell O’Brien did this was his partner Jane Tanner.
Jane Tanner who lied about seeing the abductor with child at 9:15pm while Gerry McCann and Jeremy Wilkins we’re talking outside the McCanns apartment.
Even though we believe there is enough proof here to confirm that Jane Tanner lied about her check at 9:15pm and there is enough evidence to prove that Russell O’Brien did not leave with Matthew Oldfield at 9:30pm, we will continue going through the rest of the groups first statements regarding this 9:30pm check.
To summarise our findings so far regarding Russell’s check at 9:30pm
Gerry McCann - did not state that Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield at 9:30pm.
Kate McCann - did not state that Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield at 9:30pm
Matthew Oldfield - did not state that Russell O’Brien left with him at 9:30pm.
Jane Tanner - states that Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield at 9:30pm.
The next member of the group who gave their statement was David Payne.
He was interviewed on the 4th May 2007 at 2:45pm.

David Payne does not go into detail regarding who left the restaurant and when in his statement. He clearly states the people who left and returned during the meal. He states that Gerry McCann, Matthew Oldfield and Jane Tanner all leave during the meal at some point.
He does not state anything at all about Russell O’Brien.
Still, only 1 out of 5 group members who say Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield and this was his partner Jane Tanner.
The next interviews to take place on the 4th May 2007 were from Fiona Payne and Rachael Oldfield who both gave theirs at 7:20pm.
The whole group had time to discuss what had been asked of them in their interviews by the time Fiona Payne and Rachael Oldfield we’re giving their statements.
Fiona Payne’s statement;

Fiona Payne’s statement did not provide much information regarding the checks. All she stated was that couples checked regularly at the apartments. Therefore there is not enough information to use from her statement to make an assumption regarding Russell O’Briens check at 9:30pm. All we can say is, he is not mentioned in her statement at all.
Moving on to Rachael Oldfield’s statement which was given at the same time as Fiona Payne’s.

Rachael Oldfield does state that Russell O’Brien left with her husband Matthew Oldfield at 9:30pm. She confirms exactly what Russell O’Brien’s partner, Jane Tanner, has said in her interview.
So 2 out of 7 people so far have said that Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield at 9:30pm.
The first person was Jane Tanner, Russell O’Briens partner.
The second person was Rachael Oldfield, who gave her statement much later than the rest of the group at 7:20pm, which meant the group could discuss their timelines if they wanted to before her interview.
We are now leading toward the final 2 first statements of the group of friends.
Dianne Webster was the next group member to be interviewed on the 4th May 2007 at 8:45pm.
Dianne Webster stated the following;

Again, Dianne Webster’s statement is very similar to David Payne’s and Fiona Payne’s in terms of not remembering much information regarding the checks on the Thursday night.
She does not confirm who and when they left the table. All Dianne Webster states is that the couples checked regularly during the meal.
Still only 2 out of 8 have said Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield.
The last person to give their statement on the 4th May 2007 was Russell O’Brien.
He was interviewed at 9:45pm.
He stayed the following;

Russell O’Brien stated that he left with Matthew Oldfield at 9:35pm.
Russell O’Brien stated that he stayed in his apartment due to his daughter being awake and crying.
Russell O’Brien stated that Matthew Oldfield returned to the restaurant and five minutes later Jane Tanner returned to the apartment so Russell O’Brien could return to the restaurant for 9:55pm.
So out of the 9 members of the group, only 3 people say that Russell O’Brien left at 9:30pm with Matthew Oldfield.
The first to state this was Jane Tanner - Russell’s partner.
The second person to state this was Rachael Oldfield - gave her interview at 7:20pm
The third person to state this was Russell O’Brien himself.
From the findings above, we believe there is enough evidence within their statements to prove Russell O’Brien has lied about leaving the restaurant at 9:30pm with Matthew Oldfield.
We could continue with the groups statements, going through their 2nd statements and rogatory interviews to see how this lie develops further, but we believe there is enough information for me not to do this. (We may return at a later date to add more in regards to the future statements)
From these findings, we noticed something similar between their statements.
Gerry McCann and Kate McCann never say Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield in any of there statements Given throughout the whole case.
Jane Tanner, Rachael Oldfield, and Russell O’Brien all state that Russell O’Brien left with Matthew Oldfield
Matthew Oldfield didn’t state that Russell O’Brien left with him in his first statement.
David Payne, Fiona Payne and Dianne Webster do not describe much detail regarding the checks in the Thursday night of the 3rd May 2007.
From looking at the above summary and comparing it to the 2 timelines written on Madeleine McCann’s activity book, you can see how the groups statements match the different timelines.

Gerry McCann and Kate McCann ALWAYS follow the timeline on the right in their statements.
Jane Tanner, Rachael Oldfield, Russell O’Brien and eventually Matthew Oldfield (See Matthew Oldfield’s lie) follow the timeline on the left in their statements.
David Payne, Fiona Payne and Dianne Webster initially don’t follow either timeline and remain neutral in not remembering the details clearly.
Eventually the whole group follow the typed timeline 3 in their 2nd statements and rogatory interviews.
Please click the link to go to Part 7 - Matthew Oldfield’s Lie
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