Saturday 21 December 2019

Part 16 - Did the men play tennis during the week?

Which group members played tennis during the holiday?

Before we go in to more detail regarding Thursday 3rd May 2007, it is important that we explain who actually played tennis during the week. 

We are led to believe that the men played tennis regularly, and that all the men played social tennis on the Thursday. 

We have reason to believe, from their statements, that this is not true and the men did not play tennis at 6:30pm on the 3rd May 2007. 

This may also cross over in to another event in their timeline for the evening routine. 

We are now going to go through the groups statements were they discuss tennis to show you who actually played and who didn’t.

The first statement we will look at his Matthew Oldfield’s rogatory interview given on the 9th April 2007 at 10:19am, he said the following regarding tennis;

Matthew Oldfield has stated that the original reason why they chose Mark Warner was due to the tennis, and because he had recently started lessons, he thought he would be able to play tennis. 

The interviewer then asked him if they had to sign up to these activities;

Matthew Oldfield stated that the guys signed up for sailing and windsurfing, and he decided to not sign up for the same lessons, but he would go and sail at the same time as the other men of the group who have signed up for those activities. 

The interviewer then asked Matthew Oldfield if he had played tennis everyday. 
Matthew Oldfield stated that he did not play tennis everyday. 

Matthew Oldfield stated that he probably had two or three lessons. (If you are interested, google search “liars number”)

The interviewer then asked Matthew Oldfield what days he played tennis;

Matthew Oldfield has stated that he played tennis on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Matthew Oldfield stated that it rained on Wednesday and this was the reason why he didn’t play in that specific day. 

Now that we have shown what Matthew Oldfield has stated in his rogatory interview the reason they chose Mark Warner was originally for playing tennis. 

Matthew Oldfield stated he did not sign up for tennis, but he played two or three lessons, and these were on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday night, and that he didn’t play on Wednesday as it was raining. 

As we know from previous posts, the women had social tennis in the evening, so tennis wasn’t called off completely, but he would not have played this night due to it being women’s tennis. This night he would have possibly bathed the children due to Rachael and the other women playing tennis, and bath time being at 6:30pm. 

Matthew Oldfield was asked in his interview, who did he spend more time with out of the group;

Matthew Oldfield stated that he spent more time with Russell O’Brien and David Payne during the holiday, whereas he didn’t spend much time with Gerry McCann or Kate McCann, and that they had tennis lessons and tennis groups. 

Matthew Oldfield filed then discusses tennis on the Monday;

Matthew Oldfield is not too confident if he actually played tennis on the Monday. 

The next time Matthew Oldfield discussed tennis was regarding the Thursday afternoon;

Matthew Oldfield stated that Jane Tanner and Rachael Oldfield played tennis on the Thursday afternoon. 

This is confirmed in other group members statements, but we will go through them later on, we do not want to make it too confusing by jumping from one group member to the other. 

We will eventually look at the other group members statements and we will reference it back to the statements we have already discussed. 

Further on in Matthew Oldfield’s statement, he confirms once again that Rachael Oldfield played tennis. 

Matthew Oldfield also stated;

We have seen this statement before from Matthew Oldfield in a previous post regarding the groups routine. Matthew Oldfield has stated the SOME people might play tennis. He has not stated that he played tennis himself, as he only describes himself playing in the play area with the children while Rachael Oldfield is playing tennis. 

Continuing on with Matthew Oldfield Oldfield’s statement, he confirmed the following about Jane Tanner and Rachael Oldfield;

Once again Matthew Oldfield had confirmed that Jane Tanner and Rachael Oldfield played tennis together while Matthew Oldfield and Russell O’Brien went sailing. 

Matthew Oldfield then confirms that after Jane Tanner and Rachael Oldfield had played tennis in the morning, then once again Rachael Oldfield and Jane Tanner played tennis in the afternoon:

Apart from Matthew Oldfield saying towards the beginning of his interview that they booked the holiday originally for tennis, and said that he had played on the Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, we still haven’t come across any part of his statement to confirm this so far. 

Matthew Oldfield eventually discusses the tennis on the Thursday 3rd May 2007 evening;

So before we go on to men’s social tennis on the Thursday night we will summarise our findings from Matthew Oldfield and will continue with the other groups statements regarding tennis through the week. 

Matthew Oldfield has stated in his rogatory interview that the holiday was originally booked for tennis. 

When Matthew Oldfield was asked if he had played tennis he replied with no, but said he had played on the Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. 

Matthew Oldfield discussed who played tennis in his statement, and only spoke about Jane Tanner and Rachael Oldfield and the games they played. 

Matthew Oldfield did not discuss anything in regards to any games that he played during the week. 

The next group member’s statement we looked at was Russell O’Brien’s. The first thing he discusses regarding tennis was the following;

Russell O’Brien has stated that on the Sunday he played a bit if tennis, but he wasn’t all that bothered about playing tennis. 

Russell O’Brien then discussed other members of the group who played tennis;

Russell O’Brien has stated that Jane Tanner, Kate McCann and Gerry McCann played tennis. 

Once again, further on in his statement he discusses tennis again;

Russell O’Brien confirmed once again that Jane Tanner played tennis while he was out sailing on the Tuesday. 

Russell O’Brien then discussed tennis on the Wednesday;

Russell O’Brien stated that he went to watch Jane Tanner play tennis on the Wednesday, she was also playing with Kate McCann and Rachael Oldfield. 

Russell O’Brien then reached the point of tennis on the Thursday night;

As we have said earlier, we will not go in to the tennis on the Thursday until we have finished of who actually played tennis through the week. 

Russell O’Brien then discusses a time he was at the tennis courts and another holiday guest was present. 

Russell O’Brien stated that this holiday maker spoke to Gerry McCann more, as Gerry McCann had played tennis with the holiday a lot more than what Russell O’Brien had. 

Further on in his statement Russell O’Brien confirms once again that Jane Tanner played tennis;

Russell O’Brien does state that after Jane Tanner had finished playing tennis, he himself then went with his daughter to play tennis. 

Immediately after the above statement, he then stated the following;

Russell O’Brien has now stated that he watched tennis with his daughter rather than playing tennis. 

Russell O’Brien then stated that Jane Tanner spent more time with Gerry and Kate McCann;

Russell O’Brien has confirmed that the reason Jane Tanner spent more time Kate and Gerry McCann was due to her playing tennis more. 

The last thing before summarising Russell O’Brien’s statement was regarding the Thursday night;

Russell O’Brien stated that Gerry McCann was playing tennis at 6:00pm on Thursday. 

We still won’t go in to Thursday tennis at the moment, as we want to show who played tennis during the week before we do. 

From our findings so far in Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield’s statement, is that neither Matthew Oldfield or Russell O’Brien described in any detail times that they actually played tennis during the holiday. 

So far, it can be confirmed from what Matthew Oldfield and Russell O’Brien have said is that Jane Tanner, Rachael Oldfield, Kate McCann and Gerry McCann played tennis regularly. 

We will now continue with David Payne’s rogatory interview to see what he said regarding the tennis. 

David Payne gave his rogatory interview on the 11th April 2008 at 10:26am. 

The first time David Payne discusses tennis in his interview is towards the beginning, he states;

David Payne has stated that himself and Fiona Payne signed up for water sports, whereas other members of the group were more interested in the tennis. 

What we have shown so far from previous statements, Matthew Oldfield hardly played tennis, Russell O’Brien said he was no bothered with tennis, and David Payne has said that he signed up for water sports whereas other members of the group had signed up for tennis. 

The group members we are aware of so far who played tennis are, Kate McCann, Gerry McCann, Rachael Oldfield and Jane Tanner according to the statements we have already discussed. 

The next discussion David Payne has regarding tennis was the following;

David Payne has stated that Dianne Webster had a tennis lesson at least one day during the holiday, Jane Tanner would play tennis, as well as Rachael Oldfield, whereas Matthew Oldfield and Russell O’Brien were more interested in the water sports the resort had to offer. 

David Payne then stated the following regarding social tennis during the week;

David Payne has stated that if they weren’t playing tennis, they tended to watch, and at approximately 6:30-7:00pm they’d give the children their baths.  This statement crosses over with the groups routine during tennis which we have discussed in previous posts, and will touch on again in future posts. 

David Payne also stated the following about Kate and Gerry McCann;

David Payne stated that Gerry and Kate McCann knew other couples who were on holiday due to playing tennis with them. 

David Payne also stated that Gerry McCann made friends with the other people who played tennis, due to the fact that Gerry McCann played tennis a lot. 

David Payne is discussing the Thursday night tennis in this statement, so we will not go in to too much detail regarding this. This statement confirms that Gerry McCann was playing tennis with other holiday makers during the holiday. 

David Payne struggles in his statement when talking about playing tennis himself during the holiday;

When David Payne was asked the direct question if he had played tennis at any other time other than the Thursday evening, he replied with;

David Payne admits that there was one evening where had a try at the fastest serve evening, and he is sure that there must have been another time he had had a knock about, but he cannot specifically say which days or when he played these other games. 

This is everything that David Payne said about tennis during his rogatory interview. 

So far, from Matthew Oldfield’s, Russell O’Brien’s and David Payne’s interviews, we do not have any confirmation that these men played tennis on a regular basis. 

We can confirm that Jane Tanner, Rachael Oldfield, Gerry McCann and Kate McCann all played tennis regularly, and that Dianne Webster had one tennis lesson we know of so far. 

Before we continue with the groups rogatory interviews regarding tennis, we are going to look at the final male member of the group, Gerry McCann. 

Gerry McCann did not give a rogatory interview, therefore we only have his Portuguese witness statements and his arguido interview to use. 

In Gerry McCann’s first statement given on the 4th May 2007 at 11:15am he said the following;

Gerry McCann has confirmed that himself and Kate McCann played tennis, this agrees with what the other group members have stated so far. 

Gerry McCann did not state anything else in his first statement regarding tennis. This was due to the fact that it was a very brief statement, and it concentrated on the time Madeleine McCann was supposedly abducted rather than the holiday as a whole. 

In Gerry McCann’s second statement given on the 10th May 2007 at 3:20pm, he confirmed;

Gerry McCann stated that himself and Kate McCann had tennis lessons during the week, Monday-Thursday. 

Gerry McCann also stated that he played tennis with other holiday makers who were not part of their group of friends. 

Gerry McCann stated that one of the holiday makers he played with often was Jeremy Wilkins (Jez).

Gerry McCann then approaches the Thursday evenings tennis on the 3rd May 2007, he states the following;

We will not go into too much detail regarding this part of the holiday as it will be discussed in a future topic. 

Gerry McCann confirms he played tennis on the Thursday 3rd May 2007 with Dan Stuk, the tennis coach, Julian Totman, a holiday maker, and Brian Curtis, another holiday maker. 

Gerry McCann does not state anything else regarding tennis in his second statement, except for the men’s social on Thursday. 

Gerry McCann has described who he played men’s social tennis with on the Thursday, but he has not discussed any of the other men of the group playing tennis. 

The last statement of Gerry McCann’s we looked at was his arguido interview. Gerry McCann did not state anything about the other men of the group playing tennis apart from the Thursday night, which we will discuss in a future post. 

To conclude out findings so far from the men if the groups statements;

Apart from Matthew Oldfield who stated that he played tennis on the Monday and Tuesday, and Gerry McCann, who played tennis daily, no other male member of the group has been described as playing a full tennis game or lesson. 

We will now look through the females rogatory statements to see what they say regarding the tennis during the week, Sunday to Wednesday. 

We have started with Jane Tanners rogatory interview given on the 8th April 2008 at 10:00am. 

Jane Tanner confirms that she signed up for tennis lessons during the week. 

Jane Tanner said that the reason she signed up for tennis was because Kate McCann had signed up for it and she believed that it would be something nice to do. 

Jane Tanner also confirms that these lessons were with Kate McCann were in the morning. 

Jane Tanner is asked again about when she signed up for tennis;

Jane Tanner has now confirmed that herself, Kate McCann and Rachael Oldfield signed up for tennis lessons. 

Because Jane Tanner has confirmed what the make members of the group have said regarding Jane Tanner, Rachael Oldfield and Kate McCann playing tennis, we are not going to look through her statement for the times she played, we will continue looking through her statement to see if she discusses any of the men playing tennis during the week. 

In her statement, Jane Tanner confirms that Russell O’Brien was at the tennis courts on Wednesday with his daughter;

Jane Tanner states that Russell O’Brien watched her play tennis, she does not state that Russell O’Brien played tennis. 

Jane Tanner also confirmed that Matthew Oldfield was not at tennis on the Wednesday;

Jane Tanner states that Matthew Oldfield spent the majority of his time at the beach due to him being a keen sailor. 

Jane Tanner does not state anything else regarding the men playing tennis during the week apart from the Thursday night. 

We will now take a look at Rachael Oldfield’s rogatory interview which she gave on the 9th April 2008 at 10:23am. 

Due to the majority of the group confirming Rachael Oldfield played tennis, and this can be confirmed from the tennis guest sheet, we are going to look for times that she talks about the men of the group playing tennis.  

Rachael Oldfield stated the following regarding tennis on the Sunday;

Rachael Oldfield stated that on the Sunday, herself, Gerry McCann, Kate McCann and Jane Tanner all played social tennis. 

Rachael Oldfield did not state that any of the other members of the group played tennis on the Sunday evening. 

Rachael Oldfield continued discussing tennis after the statement above;

Rachael Oldfield stated that herself and Matthew Oldfield had a tennis lesson on the Wednesday, but this was changed to Thursday, which also agreed with Matthew Oldfield’s. 

Rachael Oldfield then stated that before their tennis on Thursday, the group “knocked around” on the tennis courts with everyone else.

Rachael Oldfield stated that herself and Matthew Oldfield had a  tennis lesson at 11:00pm.

Rachael Oldfield stated that Kate McCann was sat with her while she waited to play tennis with Matthew Oldfield. 

Rachael Oldfield then discussed the Thursday afternoon, just after lunch;

Rachael Oldfield has stated that on the Thursday afternoon, she played tennis with Jane Tanner for an hour while Gerry and Kate McCann watched her play. 

Rachael Oldfield then stated that Grace was still sleeping, and therefore she returned to the apartment, after which, Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield went down to the beach. 

Rachael Oldfield then discussed the Thursday night tennis in her statement, which we will discuss in the future. 

Further on in her statement, Rachael Oldfield returned to discussing the tennis during the week;

Rachael Oldfield, so far, is the only member of the group to confirm one tennis game that Matthew Oldfield played during the holiday. This was on the Monday or Tuesday but not both days. 

Rachael Oldfield stated that she played tennis with Matthew Oldfield, Gerry McCann and Kate McCann on the Monday or Tuesday afternoon. 

Rachael Oldfield did not discuss anything more regarding tennis during the week in her rogatory interview. 

To summarise our findings so far;

Gerry McCann - Played tennis daily

Kerry McCann - Played tennis daily

Rachael Oldfield - Had tennis lessons and played with Jane Tanner, Gerry McCann, Kate McCann, and one lesson in the afternoon with Matthew Oldfield. 

Jane Tanner - Played daily

David Payne - Said he had a go of the fast serve one evening. 

Russell O’Brien - Did not play tennis during the week. Said he was not bothered about tennis, no-one can confirm he has played a game. He preferred to do water sports. 

Matthew Oldfield - Played one lesson with Rachael Oldfield, Gerry McCann and Kate McCann. 

Dianne Webster - Played a game of social tennis with the women. 

We still have Fiona Payne’s rogatory interview and Dianne Websters rogatory interview to go through in regards to who played tennis during Sunday to Monday. 

So, looking at Fiona Payne’s rogatory interview, which she gave on the 10th April 2007 at 8:55am, she stated;

Fiona Payne has stated that they booked Mark Warner as the group were quite sporty. 

Fiona Payne and David Payne enjoyed doing the water sports, whereas she states the other were into tennis. 

As we know from the groups previous statements, not all the other group members were there for tennis. 

Matthew Oldfield and Russell O’Brien had both said they had signed up for water sports and Matthew Oldfield only had a tennis lesson once according to himself and Rachael Oldfield. 

Fiona Payne then continued her interview;

Fiona Payne discussed the social tennis evenings. She stated that while some were partaking in tennis, the others would be with the children and they would take turns on watching the children in the play area. 

Fiona Payne does state in a previous post, that the children would be taken back during tennis by the group members who weren’t playing.

Fiona Payne then discusses her and David Payne’s sailing lessons;
Fiona Payne stated that through the tennis, the other couples got more friendly with other holiday makers, whereas according to other group members statements not everyone had been playing tennis during the week. It tended to be the women who played the majority of games, and Gerry McCann also played quite regularly. 

Fiona Payne stated that it was herself and David Payne who took the sailing lessons, whereas in previous statements from Jane Tanner, Matthew Oldfield and Russell O’Brien, that Russell O’Brien also attended the sailing lessons. 

Fiona Payne then discusses social tennis during the week;

Fiona Payne does not specifically say who played tennis and what night.

In our opinion, the interesting part of this statement is where Fiona Payne is struggling to remember what night the women’s tennis was on.

As we know from previous statements, the women’s social tennis was on the Wednesday, this is when all the women played and her partner, David Payne took their children for their bath, which she did remember within this statement further on in her interview;

Fiona Payne clearly remembers women’s social tennis was on the Wednesday afternoon, so why was she struggling with the days it was on. 

In our opinion and from the findings so far, the reason why Fiona Payne struggled with what night women’s tennis was actually on, is because every night apart from Thursday, as it tended to be the women playing tennis, as the men have hardly bee mentioned at all regarding playing tennis, other than the men’s social, which we will be posting about next. 

When Fiona Payne was asked a direct question regarding if she played tennis on the Sunday night, which would have been the first full day in Portugal, she stated the following;

Fiona Payne cannot clearly state if she actually played tennis on the first full day.

Fiona Payne states that they had a knock about on the Sunday, but she doesn’t actually specify if it was a game being played at the time she was their, by her describing it as “Had a knock”, we believe there wasn't an actual game being played by the group. 

There was nothing else said regarding the other group members and tennis apart from the Thursday night. 

We noticed after looking through the groups statements, no other group members state that Fiona Payne played tennis. Apart from the women’s tennis on the Wednesday night, were all the women played and David Payne took “OUR KIDS” back to the apartment, and the “HAD A KNOCK” on Sunday. 

From our findings so far, we believe that during the week, Sunday to Wednesday, Russell O’Brien and David Payne didn’t play tennis, they possibly had a quick go, as David Payne said in his statement, but from their statements, no-one can confirm any of the men playing in the evening. 

We also believe that Fiona Payne did not stay at the social tennis after the children had played in the play area.

The reason that makes us believe this, is how she struggles to remember the days regarding social tennis.  She cannot remember specific social tennis games during the week apart from women’s social tennis, because that would be the only game she had to play. 
There is also this part of Fiona Payne’s statement that gives us reason to doubt she played tennis at all, not even the women’s social. 
Fiona Payne stated that she joined in with the other women, which would mean a game was already in play.

Fiona Payne states that the people who were playing tennis were Jane Tanner, Rachael Oldfield, Dianne Webster, Kate McCann and herself. 

Fiona Payne does not state that anyone else was there until she is asked who Kate McCann was playing against, this is when Fiona Payne, once again struggles to explain who was there.

Fiona Payne then states there were other holiday makers there and two instructors also making up the numbers. 

How can there be so many people playing women’s social tennis when Fiona Payne said that they had requested to change the times because it was mainly their group who played social tennis. 

Therefore, with Fiona Payne originally stating who was playing tennis when she joined in, and with her saying they requested the change in times for the tennis because they were the MAIN ones playing, and that she also struggled to name who Kate McCann played with. We believe she is lying about playing tennis. 

There were four women already playing tennis, Dianne Webster, Kate McCann, Jane Tanner and Rachael Oldfield, she said she joined in, but she cannot remember who played against Kate McCann, she just states “we all sort of played each other really”

If this was true, and they actually had played each other, then when Fiona Payne was asked, who did Kate McCann play against, she would have at least said that she played against her for some time, instead she struggled to name one person who played against Kate McCann. 

We are not saying that Fiona Payne was not at the tennis courts during the women’s tennis, we are just stating that we don’t believe Fiona Payne played tennis at all during the week, except for maybe the odd “knock about”

This may not seem relevant at this stage, but it will become relevant in a future post. 

The last member of the group we looked at was Dianne Webster who was interviewed on the 11th April 2008 at 10:26am. 

We have left Dianne Webster’s until end. The reason for this, is in her second statement, it was proven that she lied regarding Russell leaving the table. Dianne Webster could not remember anyone else leaving at the same time as Russell O’Brien,  or anything regarding Jane Tanner leaving as well, but she was told to lie about this, so Russell O’Brien had an alibi, and she gladly went along with the lie. 

At the moment, with what we have shown, everything seems pretty normal, the women played tennis, the majority of the men didn’t play tennis, apart from Matthew Oldfield, only Gerry McCann, out of the male members of the group played tennis daily, so why does Dianne Webster state the following;

Dianne Webster has stated that “sometimes the men would go off and play tennis in the afternoon”. 

From all the statements we have gone through, the only man who played tennis in the afternoon was Gerry McCann. 

Dianne Webster also stated at the end “you could actually go and book a court snd play tennis.” Whereas Fiona Payne had stated this;

Why has Dianne Webster felt the need to say that the MEN sometimes play tennis and to add emphasis to the lie she said they could book the courts. 

Due to this, we will not be going through Dianne Webster’s statement regarding the men playing tennis, as the majority of her discussion relates to the Thursday evenings tennis. 

We will explain this in our future post regarding the tennis on Thursday night. 

In our opinion - THE CRITICAL TIME

Please click the link below to go to Part 17 - Thursday 3rd May 2007 - What happened after 5:30pm

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