Sunday 22 December 2019

Part 17 - Thursday 3rd May 2007 - What happened after 5:30pm

What possibly happened after 5:30pm on the 3rd May 2007?

From what we have researched as a group, we have come to the conclusion that something happened to Madeleine McCann after 5:30pm on the 3rd May 2007. 

Our reason for this belief is due to our findings in the groups statements. 

As a group who have researched this case for so long, we are fully aware that many lies have been told by all members of the group, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that everything the group say are lies. 

The group have got to keep it as close to the truth as possible, in case there are any witnesses, but they’ve also got to cover up the truth with lies masking the parts they don’t want to be honest about. 

By knowing the groups weekly routine, we should be able to work out what possibly happened on Thursday 3rd May 2007. 

The reason why we believe that something happened after 5:30pm is due to the amount of discrepancies between the group members during this time. 

Lies have been told throughout as you have hopefully seen from our other posts, but the group have not had to lie as much as they have had to now, to cover up what actually happened during this time. 

Before we go further in explaining our findings, we will remind you of the timeline the group want us to believe. 

Gerry and Kate McCann collected their children from high tea and take them back to the apartment due to Madeleine McCann being tired. 

When they return to the apartment, they both bathe the children. 

Gerry McCann leaves the apartment to attend men’s social tennis which begins at 6:00pm. 

Kate McCann stays in the apartment with the children. 

David Payne visits Kate McCann to see if she needs help taking the children to the play area, to which Kate McCann said that they were not going to the play area due to tiredness. 

David Payne left the apartment to get ready for tennis and Kate McCann continues to prepare the children for bed. 

David Payne returns to the tennis courts, at the same time Gerry McCann returns to the apartment. 

The rest of the group finish tennis and head back to their apartments to start the bed and bath routine. 

The group go to the restaurant for their meal. 

We will now explain how this whole timeline was created to cover up the time that something happened to Madeleine McCann. 

Before we go in to the full detail, you have to forget everything the group has said above. We do admit, that if you have a quick skim read of the groups statements, this timeline does fit perfectly with what some of the group say. 

What we are interested in, are the group members who don’t follow the above timeline. 

Sometimes these discrepancies found can be genuine forgetfulness, but the majority of the time, these discrepancies that do not follow the same timeline as other members raise major concern. 

Once again, this will be a very long process due to having to go through the statements, but eventually it will provide the evidence of what possibly happened after 5:30pm on the 3rd May 2007. 

To start, we have to remind you of the groups routine during the week;


With this post, we will try and summarise as we go. Due to the fact we have heard the groups story for so long, its hard to forget their lies regarding this time. We will break the statements down to where the group have remembered to lie and where they have admitted the possible truth. 

Also remember, the social tennis time had been changed all week to begin at 6:00pm, and it was men’s social tennis on the Thursday night. 

We will start with Thursday the 3rd May 2007 at 5:30pm.

Remember that Madeleine McCann was at high tea that afternoon. Gerry and Kate McCann collected them after they had finished eating, and supposedly took them back to the apartment due to the fact that Madeleine McCann was TIRED. 

This was the first lie within the groups timeline for 5:30pm onwards.  

We believe that Madeleine McCann was taken to the play area after high tea, as this was the usual routine that the group followed every night, and statements will show that Kate had been in the play area near the tennis courts that evening of Thursday the 3rd May 2007. 

The reason why Gerry and Kate McCann had to lie and state that they had taken her back due to tiredness was to give them a reason for bathing their children at 6:00pm, rather than the usual 6:30pm, and to also give a reason to why they didn’t go to the Millennium restaurant that night. 

From our research, we believe the group had decided to go to the Millennium Restaurant on the Thursday night for their evening meal, but this could not happen due to the outcome of Madeleine McCann between 5:30-8:30pm. 

Jane Tanner stated this in her rogatory interview given on the 8th April 2008 at 10:00am;

We do believe there is a reason to why the group were going to go the Millennium, and that was due to Madeleine McCann’s crying incident on the Wednesday night. We will go in to this in a future post. 

To give a brief summary, something happened on the Wednesday night which raised concerns to Kate McCann. (It wasn’t a lie to prove an abductor had been in the night before)

Therefore, the group were going to go to the Millennium the Thursday night, but they say it was cancelled due to tiredness, which wasn’t true, as we believe Gerry McCann and Kate McCann followed their usual routine that night. 

After 5:30pm, Gerry McCann and Kate McCann took their children to the tennis courts. 

In their statements, the majority do state that Kate McCann was in the apartment with her children, whereas there is a few that do not state the same lie. 

The first group member who stated that Kate McCann was at the tennis courts on Thursday the 3rd May 2007 at approximately 6:30pm was Matthew Oldfield in his second statement given on the 10th May 2007 at 4:00pm;

Matthew Oldfield said that when he arrived, Kate McCann was there with the children. 

The CCTV images in the PJFiles, show Matthew Oldfield at the beach bar 

This confirms that Matthew Oldfield, Russell O’Brien and David Payne left the beach bar anytime between 18:13-18:38, as that is when the women leave. 

Therefore, Matthew Oldfield, Russell O’Brien and David Payne must arrive at the tennis courts as they all state at approximately 6:30pm. 

That would mean, that by Matthew Oldfield’s account, Kate McCann was at the tennis courts at approximately 6:30pm with the children. 

Rachael Oldfield in her rogatory interview which she gave on the 9th April 2008 at 10:23am also confirmed that Kate McCann was at the tennis courts before she arrived;

Rachael Oldfield has stated that she knows Kate McCann had been at the tennis courts, and she thinks she would have left when the men arrived. 

From our findings, two members of the group have now said Kate McCann was at the tennis courts when Matthew Oldfield, Russell O’Brien and David Payne arrived. 

Therefore, if Kate and Gerry McCann have lied regarding their routine, which our previous post explains, and some members of the group are saying that Kate McCann was either at the tennis courts when they arrived, or knew she had been there when the Russell O’Brien, David Payne and Matthew Oldfield arrived, it would be safe to assume that Kate McCann was at the tennis courts, following the same routine as they did every night before. 

Madeleine McCann was not tired that night, this was an excuse they used so they didn’t have to go the Millennium restaurant. 

We also came across a statement from Fiona Payne regarding 7:00pm on the 3rd May 2007. 

Fiona Payne stated;

If Kate McCann was supposedly in her apartment with the children at 7:00pm, how would it be possible for her to return with Fiona Payne at 7:00pm?

Kate McCann can only return to her apartment if she left, or was never there to begin with. 

We know from Matthew Oldfield’s statement, that Kate McCann was at the tennis courts when he arrived. 

We also know from Rachael Oldfield statements, that Kate McCann had been at the tennis courts before the women arrived. 

So, excluding Kate and Gerry McCann as they have lied regarding their routine in their first statement given to the Portuguese Police, and taking in to account that three out of the remaining seven say Kate McCann was not where she said she was. 

So if we put this in to the new timeline from their statements we have the following;

5:30pm - Gerry and Kate McCann take the children to the play area
6:30pm - The other men of the group arrive
6:40pm - The women arrive and Kate McCann has left

Even though Rachael Oldfield said that Kate McCann had left when they arrived, it does not mean she went to her apartment, or if she went to her apartment, she did not stay there, as she would have to leave to return again with Fiona Payne at 7pm. 

What we also know from previous an earlier post, is that bath time began at 6:30pm each night. 

As we know from previous statements, members of the group would go in to other members of the groups apartments during, before and after bedtime as states by Rachael Oldfield in a previous post. 

With this being said, there is every possibility that Kate McCann was in another member of the groups apartment.

Due to Fiona Payne saying she returned to Kate McCann’s apartment with Kate McCann, there is every possibility she has been in Fiona Payne’s apartment. 

In our next post, we will discuss the men’s social tennis on Thursday 3rd May 2007. 

Please click the link to go to Part 18 - 6:00pm Men’s Social Tennis, Did the men play? - Part 1

For future updates follow us on Twitter @akrasiel_angel

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