Thursday 19 December 2019

Part 1 - The Lies Within Their Statements

The Lies Within Their Statements

This blog is our opinion from the findings in the groups statements from the PJfiles.

When the files were released, we started to look at the evidence the Portuguese authorities had collected.

It all seemed so overwhelming.

Where do you start looking in such a huge case?

What we knew from mainstream media was that;

Madeline had been taken back to the McCann’s apartment at 5:30pm on the 3rd May 2007 and was reported missing to the Police authorities at 10:40pm on the 3rd May 2007, never to be seen again.

The only people who knew what happened between 5:30-10:40pm on the 3rd May 2007 were the McCann’s and their friends.

This is where we knew we had to look if we wanted to find out what may have actually happened to Madeleine McCann and when.

We didn’t know the truth, and couldn’t make assumptions other than the possibility that the parents were involved and also the possibility that their friends were also involved.

Each person’s statements were very similar, some had discrepancies which was understandable, but they all seemed to follow the same recollection of events.

After finishing all the groups statements we joined many Facebook groups to discuss the case, and soon found ourselves debating with other members of the public who had different views.

People were debating the open shutters, the dog findings, the children being left by themselves. Valid points were being made from both sides so we started to look in to more detail ourselves regarding these areas.

We soon started to see what other members of the public were talking about. The groups statements had major discrepancies between them.


Of course we felt suspicious about the McCann’s and their friends, but that is all we had. The dog findings gave the assumption that Madeleine died in the apartment, but apart from that, we had no the groups statements as evidence.

Please click the link to go to Part 2 - The McCann's and Their Friends

For future updates follow us on Twitter @akrasiel_angel

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