Please ensure you have read our previous posts as this may not make sense unless you have. This case cannot be explained in one post alone.
We are going to discuss David Payne’s visit to the McCann’s apartment at 6:30pm on Thursday 3rd May 2007.
As we have shown from our previous findings, the timeline that the group want us to believe is different to what the group have said in their statements.
We have shown how the group have followed their usual routine on the Thursday night as they have done on previous nights.
In our opinion, Gerry and Kate McCann took their children to the play area after high tea and not to the apartment, as Madeleine McCann was not tired, and they did not bathe her at 6:00pm.
Bath time between the group was usually 6:30pm, and the men of the group, apart from Gerry McCann had made their way towards the tennis courts/apartments at 6:20pm. Gerry McCann was already at the tennis courts playing men’s social tennis since 6:00pm.
The men arrived at the tennis courts, and as we have seen from the statements, there is every possibility that Kate McCann was there with her children.
Kate McCann was not there when the women of the group arrived after 6:30pm.
We are now going to go through the statements to see the reason for David Payne’s visitor according to the group.
After looking through the whole groups first statements which they provided the day after Madeleine McCann disappeared, not one member of the group discusses David Payne’s visit at 6:30pm.
The majority of the group completely miss out details regarding the men’s social tennis and start the majority of their statements regarding Thursday 3rd May at the time they go for their meal at 8:30pm (The timeline the group had wrote the night Madeleine McCann went missing and before giving their statements)
Therefore, we will go through their second statements in order to see what the group had said a week after Madeleine McCann had disappeared This will show the discrepancies that appear regarding David Payne’s visit at 6:30pm.
The first group member to discuss David Payne’s visit to Gerry and Kate McCann’s apartment was Gerry McCann in his second statement, which he gave a week after Madeleine McCann disappeared on the 10th May 2007 at 3:20pm.
Gerry McCann stated the following;

Gerry McCann stated that he saw David Payne at the tennis courts at 6:30pm and that David Payne went to visit Kate McCann and returned at 7:00pm.
As we have shown in our previous posts, there is every possibility that the group followed their usual routine on the Thursday night Therefore, we believe that Kate McCann was not in her apartment at this time, 6:30-7:00pm.
Apart from Gerry McCann, no other members of the group discussed David Payne going to the McCann’s apartment at 6:30pm in their second statements.
The next member of the group to give their statements was Kate McCann.
In Kate McCann’s arguido statement given on the 6th September 2007 at 3:00pm, she stated the following regarding David Payne’s visit at 6:30pm;

Kate McCann stated that before Gerry McCann had left for men’s social tennis at 6:00pm, they had already bathed their children, and this was completed before David Payne’s visit at 6:30pm.
As we have shown in our previous posts, it is very unlikely that Kate McCann was in her apartment between 5:30-6:30pm.
Therefore, what Kate McCann has said about what herself and Gerry McCann did between this time is possibly untrue.
Kate McCann stated that the reason for David Payne’s visit was to see if Kate McCann need help TAKING THE CHILDREN TO THE PLAY AREA.
Kate McCann had stated before saying this, that her and Gerry McCann had already decided NOT TO TAKE THE CHILDREN TO THE PLAY AREA after their “bath” as they were tired.
Would Gerry McCann ask David Payne to go to Kate McCann’s apartment, to see if she needed help with the children going to the play area, if himself and Kate McCann had already decided before Gerry McCann had left for tennis that they were not taking the children due to tiredness.
Kate McCann stated that David Payne stayed at the veranda door, and was only at the apartment for approximately 30 seconds.
Gerry McCann was the next member of the group to discuss David Payne’s visit at 6:30pm on the 3rd May 2007. In his Arguido statement given on the 7th September 2007 at 4:05pm, he stated the following;

Gerry McCann stated that David Payne appeared at the tennis courts at 6:30pm and said that he didn’t know whether he could continue playing tennis as they had intended on bringing the children to the play area after their bath time, even though Kate McCann had said in an earlier statement that Gerry McCann and Kate McCann had already decided before Gerry McCann left for tennis, that they wouldn’t be taking the children to the play area.
Gerry McCann has now stated that the reason David Payne went to visit Kate McCann was because David Payne had offered to check in on Kate McCann, but this is not as Kate McCann stated in her previous Arguido statement, as she stated that Gerry McCann had asked David Payne to visit, instead of David Payne offering to visit.
Therefore, we can already see a discrepancy between Kate McCann and Gerry McCann regarding the children going to the play area as it had already been decided the children would not be going before Gerry McCann had left to go to tennis.
We have also shown the discrepancy between Gerry McCann and Kate McCann regarding the reason for David Payne’s visit at 6:30pm.
Kate McCann stated that Gerry McCann asked David Payne to help Kate McCann.
Gerry McCann stated that David Payne offered to check on Kate McCann.
We are now going to look at David Payne’s visit according to himself from his rogatory statement.
There is a lot of information in David Payne’s rogatory interview, therefore, we will go through small parts at a time.
The first time David Payne discussed the visit to Kate McCann is as follows;

David Payne stated that he went to the tennis courts to speak to Gerry McCann and that from this, he had decided to go back and play tennis.
This is different to what the group had been saying regarding the tennis.
It was men’s social tennis on the Thursday night, which the group had requested to move to 6:00pm.
The men of the group confirmed that they left the beach at 6:20pm to go and play the men’s social tennis.
Why was David Payne going to the tennis courts first to see if Gerry McCann was going to stay playing tennis, when the group already knew it was men’s social tennis?
David Payne then stated that Gerry McCann had asked David Payne to “pop in” on Kate McCann at their apartment to check everything was okay with Kate McCann, but he cannot remember the exact reason for why he went to visit Kate McCann, he believes it was to make sure if it was okay for Gerry McCann to carry on playing tennis.
In our opinion, this was a very unlikely reason, as Kate McCann knew it was men’s social tennis, and she knew it was from 6:00pm until 7:00pm as it was most nights of the holiday.
There would be no need for David Payne to see if it was okay for Gerry McCann to stay playing, as Kate McCann already knew that Gerry McCann would be playing until at least 7:00pm.
We have also shown in previous posts how this is possibly untrue that Kate McCann was not in the apartment to begin with.
With these discrepancies between Gerry McCann, Kate McCann and David Payne, it is looking more likely that she was not in that apartment at the time she said she was.
David Payne has also stated that when he went to the tennis courts, he does not know what happened to Matthew Oldfield and Russell O’Brien at this time. Even though all the men had supposedly left the beach to play men’s social tennis. (We will return to the men playing tennis in our next post)
David Payne then continued with his rogatory interview;

David Payne stated that he went to the McCann’s apartment at 6:30pm, and that he ENTERED the apartment through the patio doors.
Kate McCann had said in her arguido statement that David Payne did not enter and stood at the veranda door.
Why would Kate McCann and David Payne have different recollections of David Payne’s visit.
Is it because Kate McCann wasn’t actually in the apartment at the time David Payne was, and therefore when giving her Arguido statement, had to make guesses about how long he was there and if he entered or not.
There is not other explanation other than either one of them has lied.
In our opinion, Kate McCann has lied about being in her apartment at the time of this visit, as we know that members of the group said she was at the tennis courts at 6:30pm, and Fiona Payne stated that her and Kate McCann returned to the McCann’s apartment at 7:00pm.
Before we move further on in David Payne’s statement, we are going to return to Kate McCann’s rogatory regarding this event of when David Payne arrived;

Kate McCann stated that when David Payne arrived, she was wrapped in a towel.
Kate McCann said that the children were eating and looking at some books.
Kate McCann also stated in her interview before above paragraph;

As we were told, Madeleine McCann was wearing her pyjama’s when she was abducted and images of these pyjama’s can be seen;

As you can see from the photo. Madeleine McCann’s pyjama’s are mainly pink with coloured flowers on the pyjama pants.
Bearing this in mind, we will now look at David Payne’s recollection of the children when he entered the apartment at 6:30pm;

David Payne first stated that the children were dressed in their pyjamas, therefore you would believe if he remembered that the children were wearing pyjama’s, he would at least remember another colour other than white.
David Payne states further on in this extract that he cannot remember what the children were wearing, but WHITE WAS THE PREDOMINANT COLOUR.
David Payne uses very suspicious language regarding the time he visited Kate McCann in our opinion, as he has stated that the children “were just like angels”, and “they all looked so happy and well looked after and content”

David Payne then stated that he left the McCann’s apartment, went to his own apartment to get his tennis gear (There is no confirmation in Any group members to say that he has played tennis at all during the holiday)
Gerry McCann had also stated that David Payne returned to the tennis courts at 7:00pm which was the time men’s social tennis ended that evening.
David Payne also stated that when he arrived at the tennis courts, Gerry McCann left and he played tennis with Russell O’Brien, Matthew Oldfield and Dan Stuk, the tennis coach.
Dan Stuk had said in his statement that he played tennis with Gerry McCann between 6:00-7:00pm, David Payne arrived at the tennis courts at 7:00pm. (We will go in to this in our next post)
To conclude our findings so far;
David Payne has gone to the McCann’s apartment at 6:30pm.
Kate McCann was not in the apartment with David Payne at 6:30pm due to their recollections of the same event not matching at all.
Kate McCann was elsewhere with Fiona Payne until 7:00pm, but she had been seen at 6:30pm at the tennis courts when the men arrived at 6:30pm.
Fiona Payne has added emphasis to her statements when discussing the children’s bath time and when David Payne bathes them, by emphasising “OUR KIDS” were taken back for their bath on a previous night.
Rachael Oldfield has also confirmed that her daughter shared baths with another couples child (Jane Tanner’s and Russell O’Briens)
Bath time was usually 6:30pm every night.
David Payne cannot not remember what the children were wearing that night when he saw them, but he states WHITE WAS THE PREDOMINANT COLOUR, but he does not state this colour as being the clothes they were wearing.
David Payne was then asked in his rogatory interview;
David Payne has now stated that there were “NO DIFFICULTIES WITH BATH TIME”
Why is David Payne saying that there were no difficulties with bath time at 6:30pm, when Gerry and Kate McCann both supposedly bathed their children closer to 6:00pm, before Gerry McCann had left for tennis, and the children had also supposedly finished their bath before David Payne visited at 6:30pm.
How does he convey it to Gerry McCann without actually saying it?
Therefore in our opinion from our findings throughout this post and previous posts, we believe David Payne was possibly bathing Madeleine McCann with his daughter at 6:30pm in the McCann’s apartment without Kate McCann or Gerry McCann present.
We believe that when the men arrived at the tennis courts/apartments, they were actually returning to start bath time at 6:30pm and not to play in the men’s social tennis which was already in play from 6:00pm with Gerry McCann, Dan Stuk, Julian Totman and Brian Curtis.
Kate McCann possibly left with the other men towards the apartments, and we believe that she went on to the Payne’s apartment.
The women then came back from the beach, and possibly returned the children to the apartments for their regular bath time as it had gone past 6:30pm.
The women then went in to each others apartments while the children were bathed, therefore Kate McCann and Fiona Payne were together in a different apartment other than the McCann’s for them to return to the McCann’s for 7:00pm
Rachel Oldfield had stated that members of the group would be in other peoples apartments, before, during and after bedtime.

Further on in David Payne’s rogatory interview, he was asked to go in to more detail regarding his visit to Kate McCann at 6:30pm.
Before we go though his statement which provides more detail, we will remind you of what Kate McCann had said in her arguido statement regarding the visit, so it will be easier to see their discrepancies and why we believe they are both lying. Kate McCann lied about being in the apartment and David Payne lied about what he actually witnessed happen in the apartment.
Kate McCann’s arguido statement;
We will now provide a summary of the discrepancies we’ll compare.
Kate McCann stated that between 6:30-6:40pm David Payne came to the apartment.
Kate McCann stated that she heard someone knocking at the door.
Kate McCann stated that David Payne had opened the veranda door as it was unlocked.
Kate McCann was wrapped in a towel while talking to David Payne.
Kate McCann stated that David Payne did not enter the apartment.
Kate McCann stated that David Payne was there for 30 seconds.
Kate McCann stated that David Payne left at 6:30-6:40pm.
Now, looking at David Payne’s we will show the amount of discrepancies which in our opinion, proves Kate McCann possibly wasn’t in the apartment with David Payne.
David Payne stated that the door was already open, whereas Kate McCann said it was closed.
David Payne said he saw Kate McCann was looking very relaxed, whereas Kate McCann had said that she had to get out of the shower to answer the door.
David Payne stated that it had a conversation with Kate McCann regarding the children being ready for bed early, how he had such a good say and afternoon, how Gerry McCann had just finishing playing tennis (even though he was supposedly returning to play)
David Payne states that he looked at all three children and couldn’t help but notice that “they were just so well presented and so clean and immaculate” and “just looked like healthy children”.
In our opinion, David Payne is trying to cover up the truth by painting the perfect picture. (Similar to Gerry McCann’s proud father moment)
We have already shown so many discrepancies within such a small timescale between Kate McCann’s and David Payne’s recollection of the same event. We will now continue through David Payne’s rogatory interview.
David Payne stated that Kate McCann and the children were within the immediate area as you entered the apartment.
David Payne states that he went in to the lounge whereas Kate McCann had stated that he stayed at the door and did not enter.
David Payne stated that he had a conversation with Kate McCann which means he would have to stay longer than the thirty seconds that Kate McCann had stated.
David Payne stated that he was there for minutes.
Continuing with his interview;
David Payne stated that there was nothing untoward happening in the apartment, without being prompted by the interviewer.
David Payne stated that the children looked happy and there was no signs of any problems without being promoted by the interviewer.
David Payne said the children were still all talking and playing around without being prompted.
David Payne stated how well they all looked and again, how content they were.
The interviewer than asked David Payne directly?
David Payne stated that he definitely went inside the apartment at 6:30pm, whereas Kate McCann said he stayed at the door.
David Payne stated that he was not able to confirm what anyone was wearing while he was in the apartment. Even though he could remember in detail the conversation he had, and how relaxed, content, and happy the children and how immaculate they all looked, he could not remember one item of clothing any of them wore. He can only remember the predominant colour WHITE.
David Payne continued;
David Payne could not state that Kate McCann was in a towel.
David Payne stated that he set eyes on all three children, but was still unable to confirm one piece of clothing colour.
David Payne stated that the children were GENERALLY standing up.
David Payne stated that the children could confirm that he had been there that evening at 6:30pm.
David Payne stated that the children would remember him as he knew them very well and that he would play with Madeleine McCann in the play area, lifting her up and twizzing her around, and that she looked very happy.
Relating this back to a previous post were Matthew Oldfield talks about how himself, Russell O’Brien and David Payne would play monster chase with Madeleine McCann, and that it was all pretend until that point.
Then David Payne is discussing playing with Madeleine McCann when he is describing his time in the apartment talking to Kate McCann, when as we have shown, Kate McCann possibly wasn’t in the apartment, but as David Payne stated, the children could confirm he had been there that evening.
David Payne was then asked the following;
David Payne stated that this was the last time he saw Madeleine McCann.
David Payne stated that he was in the apartment for 3-5 minutes maximum, whereas Kate McCann said he was at the veranda door for 30 seconds.
David Payne cannot remember if he left the door open or closed it when he left.
From the statements above, it is clear that Kate McCann and David Payne were not together in the apartment at 6:30-6:40pm.
The children would be able to confirm that they saw David Payne at this time in the apartment.
Before we finish this post, we will take a look at Fiona Payne’s rogatory interview regarding David Payne’s visit;
Fiona Payne first stated that David Payne had gone to the McCann’s off his own back and then said she didn’t know the reason why had visited.
Fiona Payne stated that David Payne told her about his visit because he had told her when he returned between 7:10-7:15pm.
Fiona Payne said that the reason why he told her was because “how angelic they all looked”
Even though there is now every possibility that David Payne bathed Madeleine McCann at 6:30pm, we still do not know where Matthew Oldfield and Russell O’Brien went to at 6:30pm.
David Payne stated that he went to the tennis courts at 6:30pm, but didn’t know where Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield went. Therefore, from his statement, we can assume that Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield did not return to the tennis courts after the beach, and possibly went back to their apartments.
We will be looking at this in our next post regarding what happened after David Payne returned to the tennis courts at 7:00pm.
Supposedly the time everyone had left the tennis courts according to the groups first and second statements, given a day, and a week after Madeleine McCann disappeared.
We do believe that the critical time in this investigation is the time that David Payne was in the McCann’s apartment between 6:30-7:00pm.
Referencing back to our previous post with Katherina Gasper’s statement and what we have seen in this groups statements.
The likelihood that the men bathed the children during this holiday, the same as the holiday in Majorca in 2005 is now looking very likely.
We will return to David Payne and what possibly happened during this time in a future post, but we believe we need to show how the groups statements have changed regarding what happened after 7:00pm on the 3rd May 2007 in their rogatory interviews.
Please click the link below to go to Part 20 - 6:00pm Men’s Social Tennis, Did the men play? - Part 2
For future updates follow us on Twitter @akrasiel_angel

As you can see from the photo. Madeleine McCann’s pyjama’s are mainly pink with coloured flowers on the pyjama pants.
Bearing this in mind, we will now look at David Payne’s recollection of the children when he entered the apartment at 6:30pm;

David Payne first stated that the children were dressed in their pyjamas, therefore you would believe if he remembered that the children were wearing pyjama’s, he would at least remember another colour other than white.
David Payne states further on in this extract that he cannot remember what the children were wearing, but WHITE WAS THE PREDOMINANT COLOUR.
David Payne uses very suspicious language regarding the time he visited Kate McCann in our opinion, as he has stated that the children “were just like angels”, and “they all looked so happy and well looked after and content”

David Payne then stated that he left the McCann’s apartment, went to his own apartment to get his tennis gear (There is no confirmation in Any group members to say that he has played tennis at all during the holiday)
Gerry McCann had also stated that David Payne returned to the tennis courts at 7:00pm which was the time men’s social tennis ended that evening.
David Payne also stated that when he arrived at the tennis courts, Gerry McCann left and he played tennis with Russell O’Brien, Matthew Oldfield and Dan Stuk, the tennis coach.
Dan Stuk had said in his statement that he played tennis with Gerry McCann between 6:00-7:00pm, David Payne arrived at the tennis courts at 7:00pm. (We will go in to this in our next post)
To conclude our findings so far;
David Payne has gone to the McCann’s apartment at 6:30pm.
Kate McCann was not in the apartment with David Payne at 6:30pm due to their recollections of the same event not matching at all.
Kate McCann was elsewhere with Fiona Payne until 7:00pm, but she had been seen at 6:30pm at the tennis courts when the men arrived at 6:30pm.
Fiona Payne has added emphasis to her statements when discussing the children’s bath time and when David Payne bathes them, by emphasising “OUR KIDS” were taken back for their bath on a previous night.
Rachael Oldfield has also confirmed that her daughter shared baths with another couples child (Jane Tanner’s and Russell O’Briens)
Bath time was usually 6:30pm every night.
David Payne cannot not remember what the children were wearing that night when he saw them, but he states WHITE WAS THE PREDOMINANT COLOUR, but he does not state this colour as being the clothes they were wearing.
David Payne was then asked in his rogatory interview;
David Payne has now stated that there were “NO DIFFICULTIES WITH BATH TIME”
Why is David Payne saying that there were no difficulties with bath time at 6:30pm, when Gerry and Kate McCann both supposedly bathed their children closer to 6:00pm, before Gerry McCann had left for tennis, and the children had also supposedly finished their bath before David Payne visited at 6:30pm.
How does he convey it to Gerry McCann without actually saying it?
Therefore in our opinion from our findings throughout this post and previous posts, we believe David Payne was possibly bathing Madeleine McCann with his daughter at 6:30pm in the McCann’s apartment without Kate McCann or Gerry McCann present.
We believe that when the men arrived at the tennis courts/apartments, they were actually returning to start bath time at 6:30pm and not to play in the men’s social tennis which was already in play from 6:00pm with Gerry McCann, Dan Stuk, Julian Totman and Brian Curtis.
Kate McCann possibly left with the other men towards the apartments, and we believe that she went on to the Payne’s apartment.
The women then came back from the beach, and possibly returned the children to the apartments for their regular bath time as it had gone past 6:30pm.
The women then went in to each others apartments while the children were bathed, therefore Kate McCann and Fiona Payne were together in a different apartment other than the McCann’s for them to return to the McCann’s for 7:00pm
Rachel Oldfield had stated that members of the group would be in other peoples apartments, before, during and after bedtime.

Further on in David Payne’s rogatory interview, he was asked to go in to more detail regarding his visit to Kate McCann at 6:30pm.
Before we go though his statement which provides more detail, we will remind you of what Kate McCann had said in her arguido statement regarding the visit, so it will be easier to see their discrepancies and why we believe they are both lying. Kate McCann lied about being in the apartment and David Payne lied about what he actually witnessed happen in the apartment.
Kate McCann’s arguido statement;
We will now provide a summary of the discrepancies we’ll compare.
Kate McCann stated that between 6:30-6:40pm David Payne came to the apartment.
Kate McCann stated that she heard someone knocking at the door.
Kate McCann stated that David Payne had opened the veranda door as it was unlocked.
Kate McCann was wrapped in a towel while talking to David Payne.
Kate McCann stated that David Payne did not enter the apartment.
Kate McCann stated that David Payne was there for 30 seconds.
Kate McCann stated that David Payne left at 6:30-6:40pm.
Now, looking at David Payne’s we will show the amount of discrepancies which in our opinion, proves Kate McCann possibly wasn’t in the apartment with David Payne.
David Payne stated that the door was already open, whereas Kate McCann said it was closed.
David Payne said he saw Kate McCann was looking very relaxed, whereas Kate McCann had said that she had to get out of the shower to answer the door.
David Payne stated that it had a conversation with Kate McCann regarding the children being ready for bed early, how he had such a good say and afternoon, how Gerry McCann had just finishing playing tennis (even though he was supposedly returning to play)
David Payne states that he looked at all three children and couldn’t help but notice that “they were just so well presented and so clean and immaculate” and “just looked like healthy children”.
In our opinion, David Payne is trying to cover up the truth by painting the perfect picture. (Similar to Gerry McCann’s proud father moment)
We have already shown so many discrepancies within such a small timescale between Kate McCann’s and David Payne’s recollection of the same event. We will now continue through David Payne’s rogatory interview.
David Payne stated that Kate McCann and the children were within the immediate area as you entered the apartment.
David Payne states that he went in to the lounge whereas Kate McCann had stated that he stayed at the door and did not enter.
David Payne stated that he had a conversation with Kate McCann which means he would have to stay longer than the thirty seconds that Kate McCann had stated.
David Payne stated that he was there for minutes.
Continuing with his interview;
David Payne stated that the children looked happy and there was no signs of any problems without being promoted by the interviewer.
David Payne said the children were still all talking and playing around without being prompted.
David Payne stated how well they all looked and again, how content they were.
The interviewer than asked David Payne directly?
David Payne stated that he definitely went inside the apartment at 6:30pm, whereas Kate McCann said he stayed at the door.
David Payne stated that he was not able to confirm what anyone was wearing while he was in the apartment. Even though he could remember in detail the conversation he had, and how relaxed, content, and happy the children and how immaculate they all looked, he could not remember one item of clothing any of them wore. He can only remember the predominant colour WHITE.
David Payne continued;
David Payne could not state that Kate McCann was in a towel.
David Payne stated that he set eyes on all three children, but was still unable to confirm one piece of clothing colour.
David Payne stated that the children were GENERALLY standing up.
David Payne stated that the children could confirm that he had been there that evening at 6:30pm.
David Payne stated that the children would remember him as he knew them very well and that he would play with Madeleine McCann in the play area, lifting her up and twizzing her around, and that she looked very happy.
Relating this back to a previous post were Matthew Oldfield talks about how himself, Russell O’Brien and David Payne would play monster chase with Madeleine McCann, and that it was all pretend until that point.
Then David Payne is discussing playing with Madeleine McCann when he is describing his time in the apartment talking to Kate McCann, when as we have shown, Kate McCann possibly wasn’t in the apartment, but as David Payne stated, the children could confirm he had been there that evening.
David Payne was then asked the following;
David Payne stated that this was the last time he saw Madeleine McCann.
David Payne stated that he was in the apartment for 3-5 minutes maximum, whereas Kate McCann said he was at the veranda door for 30 seconds.
David Payne cannot remember if he left the door open or closed it when he left.
From the statements above, it is clear that Kate McCann and David Payne were not together in the apartment at 6:30-6:40pm.
The children would be able to confirm that they saw David Payne at this time in the apartment.
Before we finish this post, we will take a look at Fiona Payne’s rogatory interview regarding David Payne’s visit;
Fiona Payne first stated that David Payne had gone to the McCann’s off his own back and then said she didn’t know the reason why had visited.
Fiona Payne stated that David Payne told her about his visit because he had told her when he returned between 7:10-7:15pm.
Fiona Payne said that the reason why he told her was because “how angelic they all looked”
Even though there is now every possibility that David Payne bathed Madeleine McCann at 6:30pm, we still do not know where Matthew Oldfield and Russell O’Brien went to at 6:30pm.
David Payne stated that he went to the tennis courts at 6:30pm, but didn’t know where Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield went. Therefore, from his statement, we can assume that Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield did not return to the tennis courts after the beach, and possibly went back to their apartments.
We will be looking at this in our next post regarding what happened after David Payne returned to the tennis courts at 7:00pm.
Supposedly the time everyone had left the tennis courts according to the groups first and second statements, given a day, and a week after Madeleine McCann disappeared.
We do believe that the critical time in this investigation is the time that David Payne was in the McCann’s apartment between 6:30-7:00pm.
Referencing back to our previous post with Katherina Gasper’s statement and what we have seen in this groups statements.
The likelihood that the men bathed the children during this holiday, the same as the holiday in Majorca in 2005 is now looking very likely.
We will return to David Payne and what possibly happened during this time in a future post, but we believe we need to show how the groups statements have changed regarding what happened after 7:00pm on the 3rd May 2007 in their rogatory interviews.
Please click the link below to go to Part 20 - 6:00pm Men’s Social Tennis, Did the men play? - Part 2
For future updates follow us on Twitter @akrasiel_angel
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