Was Russell O’Brien at the Tapas between 9:00-10:00pm on the 4th of May?
As we have explained, Russell O’Brien leaving the Tapas at 9:30pm was a lie.
Due to this being a lie, and it is the only solid evidence within the statements that proves he was at the restaurant that night, it raises the question of was he?
So looking through the groups statements in order, we won’t post every extract here.
The only members of the group who mentioned Russell being at the meal at all during their first statements were Jane Tanner, Rachael Oldfield and himself, Russell O’Brien.
These 3 were the only ones who said he left at 9:30pm and that has been proved to be a lie, so is it possible he wasn’t at the meal?
The only other person who mentioned Russell O’Brien in their original statement, but not at the usual time of 9:30pm, was Kate McCann;

Kate McCann stated that Russell O’Brien left at the same time as Gerry McCann at 9:00pm.
Kate McCann also drew a table plan in her arguido statement. She managed to place all the group members except for Russell O’Brien and Jane Tanner.

Even though Kate McCann was the only person to say this in her first statement, it’s an interesting find because no-one else had said this, and why would Kate McCann say this is it didn’t happen.
Rather than looking through everyone’s statements again, we decided to take a look at Russell O’Briens.
Russell O’Brien gave his first statement the day after Madeleine McCann was taken, therefore his memories should be clearer regarding the previous night;

Russell O’Brien was the last person to be interviewed on the 4th May 2007. His was the latest interview as it started at 9:45pm.
The other members of the group had given their statements and Russell O’Brien had been able to discuss their interviews with each of them.
As the findings from earlier have confirmed that Russell O’Brien lies about the check at 9:30pm. In our opinion, this part of his statement can now be ignored as he did not leave the restaurant at the time he said he did.
That means he either left at 9:00pm and didn’t return until 9:55pm
Left at 9:00pm and returned immediately.
If he did that, he still didn’t leave the restaurant at 9:30pm with Matthew Oldfield so would not be able to return at 9:55pm for the meal the staff said they had re-cooked for him.
From reading Russell O’Brien’s statement above, he struggles to remember who leaves first out of Gerry McCann and his partner Jane Tanner. He also isn’t sure who arrived back first out of Gerry McCann and Jane Tanner.
Russell O’Brien lies at 9:30pm.
Russell O’Brien says he came back to the Tapas at 9:55pm.
If he lied about leaving at 9:30pm, then he hadn’t left at this time to be able to rerun at 9:55pm.
In his second statement he is unsure of who left first out of Matthew Oldfield and Gerry McCann.

Russell O’Brien cannot remember who came back first out of Gerry McCann or Jane Tanner.
Russell O’Brien does state that Jane Tanner said she saw Gerry McCann, but this was his second statement and the lie had already been placed. This information had to be included to ensure his lie and credibility.
In his rogatory interview,
Russell O’Brien states that he asked Jane Tanner to go to the restaurant before him and to order his meal.
Russell O’Brien stated that he arrived at the restaurant at approximately 8:45pm.
Russell O’Brien stated that at 9:00pm, Matthew Oldfield left the table.
Russell O’Brien states at the end of this extract, that he doesn’t know if they ordered individually.
We find it strange as he said a few sentences before that he had told Jane Tanner what to order for him as she left before him to go the restaurant.

Russell O’Brien seems to remember the details quite well up until they order their food.
This is where his statement becomes extremely interesting;

Russell O’Brien states that they probably ordered food, but isn’t sure.
Russell O’Brien, just before he describes the movements of that references back to the timeline he wrote on the night Madeleine McCann went missing.
Russell O’Brien says that due to the timeline they wrote, he was aware Gerry McCann left after Matthew Oldfield returned, but this wasn’t a clear recollection of what Gerry McCann did. A paragraph before he could describe everything in detail, whereas now, he is struggling.
Russell O’Brien then stated that Jane Tanner went to check and then returned but she didn’t say anything about Gerry McCann talking to Jeremy Wilkins.
This was different to his second statement where he said that Jane Tanner came back and told him about Gerry McCann and Jeremy Wilkins.

Was this because he wasn’t actually aware of Gerry McCann and Jeremy Wilkins talking to each other (see Russell O’Brien’s false alibi and lie)
Russell O’Brien then states his lie regarding leaving at 9:30pm with Matthew Oldfield.
The next member of the group we looked at was Dianne Webster.
She didn’t state anything about Russell in her first statement, but she remembered to include the lie of him leaving in her second statement, but was did she say in her rogatory;

Dianne Webster didn’t state anything about the event (lie) of Russell O’Brien and Matthew Oldfield leaving together but she does say that Russell O’Brien had been in the apartment with his sick daughter, and returned to have his main meal later than the rest of the group.
Due to the lie of Russell O’Brien leaving at 9:30pm, how could he return at 9:55pm if he didn’t leave at 9:30pm
From my research we knew a waiter had mention Russell O’Brien and the meal that needed to be recooked.
That waiter was called Ricardo Alexandre da Luz Oliveira and he was interviewed on 27th September 2007 at 11:00am
He said the following regarding Russell O’Brien;

Ricardo Alexandre da Luz Oliveira stated that Russell O’Brien was absent from the table and they had to keep his meal warm. He could not state the amount of time that Russell was away from the table, but he believes he was away for some time.
The chef that night was Svetlana Starikova Vitorino. In their statement which was given on the 8th May 2007 at 4:50pm;

She stated that a meal was sent back and delayed for a little while.
This confirms that Russell O’Brien left the table sometime during the meal, but it wasn’t at the 9:30pm that he lied about.
There was only 2 out of 8 people in the group (not including himself) who said Russell left and returned.
How long was he actually away for and what would he be doing?
Please click the link to go to Part 13 - What Was Russell O'Brien Doing While Away From The Table?
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